Wow, Richard

Dear Richard,

Your recent comments on the Cybersmile site are some of the most revealing, maybe the most revealing remarks you have ever shared with the public. I’m not entirely sure of that, but it seems that way to someone who has spent a scary amount of time reading what you have to say. Yes, I’m admitting that this fan odyssey is weird. I’ve long thought that and have used humor to laugh about it — at myself mostly, and started off with a diary to explore how very weird I thought it was and what drove me to it.

I haven’t finished those thoughts because along the way, I had life come up and trample me with some harsh realities — witnessing terrific suffering, repeated deaths, and misery in others that just didn’t seem to end. So then this place became comic relief for me. But I hope nothing I’ve ever said was offensive. I mean that from the bottom of my heart.

But as to your revelations about yourself, it is humbling to receive sharing like that. I do not take that lightly. I have never taken it lightly when someone has shared their hearts — whether they were famous or not. I consider it something to be treated as precious, because people and the essence of who they are is precious.

And I will seriously ponder the idea of using my own picture and my own name. I’m still on the fence about that, and mostly because I don’t believe I’ve used anonymity to be hurtful. May I never do that! Anyway, I’ll think about it.

Just want you to know I respect you for what you are doing, and I adore your honesty. Always have.

Take care,
A fan

P.S. You are never going to win with some people. I realize you know that, but I still wanted to say I realize it too.

Anonymity, April Challenge, and Richard Armitage

A2Z-BADGE-0002014-small_zps8300775cThis is my first post for the 2014 Blogging from A to Z April Challenge. Therefore, some people who are not Richard Armitage fans will be dropping by to check me out. This post is for them.

Hello! and welcome to my fun place. Mostly this is a humorous site, and occasionally I pontificate about various subjects. You thought it was all about some chap named Richard Armitage? That’s some of it. And right about now if you are wondering who in the heck is Richard Armitage? He is this guy:

Thorin Oakenshield from The Hobbit; you can get a thumbnail of his work here.


Richard is a muse, if you will. He and more so his fans prompted me to enter the blogosphere as a writer who documents something other than vacation pictures and an occasional rant about current events. That’s mostly what I did before I entered this space, and I did it with my real identity. It was not fun. I was inhibited and unimaginative and so careful about my words that it would have taken aeons to develop a voice and certainly to be interesting. The specter of screwing up was the biggest obstacle, and so I removed that by throwing off the shackles of my identity and flying free with my thoughts. And yes, I do some fangirling, but I’ll try to keep that at a minimum during this month. No promises about Sunday.

See you tomorrow.

FanstRAvaganza — What’s the Big Deal?

FanstRAvaganza part deux is coming and some have asked: how is that different from any other week on the blogs? It’s different in a few ways. Most important is that it overtly promotes community and yet diversity in the RA blogosphere. Also, not everyone who is part of this event blogs about Richard Armitage almost non-stop. There are some who only blog about him occasionally and there are some who are new bloggers. This is a chance for their presence in the RA universe to become known or perhaps a little more known to you. But for me as an almost non-stop RA blogger, this is a chance to engage and highlight fans more than usual. As much as I love watching Richard Armitage and talking about his work, I wouldn’t be here if many of you were not interesting. Talking to a bunch of dullards wouldn’t be nearly as satisfying, and you are far from dullards. So I want to get you involved and highlight you at times during that week as I’m sure some other bloggers will be doing as well.

In that interest, I’m going to tell you the topic I’ve selected for that week and ask for some input. I’m covering his voice work. Not exhaustively but quite a bit, or an attempt to. I would love to hear from you about any subject or work concerning Richard Armitage’s voice that you’re interested in hearing about or even some obscure detail that you would love to learn or hear more about. If I don’t know about it, I’ll try to ferret it out — within reason. And no subject is too small. LOL! I did think about putting up a poll to get your input, but it would be limited to all the subjects I can think of, and much as I sometimes like to think of myself as all-seeing and all-knowing, well, the truth is I’m not. ;-) Plus, whatever you send would be better left as a surprise for the others, so the comments on this post have been disabled.

Yes, I would like for you to contact me directly. People do that all the time, and I really appreciate it. I’ve had some marvelous chats with people who have never commented on my blog. That’s just not their style. I understand. But of course we don’t have to chat, and you can still send me your idea. If you’re hesitant, please know I’ve never divulged information about anyone. Hey, I’m anonymous, so I’m certainly not going to out anyone else. LOL! Just know that I would love to hear from you about any idea. Again, no subject is too small. Contact info is on the upper left sidebar, “CONTACT ME.”

I also don’t care how old or how young you are. Wait. Actually, I do care how young you are. You don’t have to have reached your majority (18 in my parts), but I would like for you to be at least 16, please? I sometimes say choice words here and really don’t want young kids involved in that. My own kids don’t get to read this blog, so I’m not too hepped up about other kids reading it. If you want to fake me out, I guess you could try. I haven’t quite honed my people reading skills to always determine who is a kid simply from online communication. However, I can tell a lot of the time, so be wary if you’re a kid. For those merely a kid at heart, come ahead. :D

Hmmm. A deadline? I’m thinking the last day of February would be good.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Candid shots courtesy of RichardArmitageNet.Com

[note: Yes, the shirts he’s wearing are very similar but one zips and the other buttons, and yes, the collars are different. Servetus, I’m blaming you for this new found sartorial sensitivity. LOL!]