Trying to Keep Up

I haven’t lost complete track of Richard Armitage but darn near. As some of you know, I started a business, and it’s taken almost everything out of me. It is working, but it’s like being pregnant, giving birth and then dealing with an infant. All things that take the stuffing out of someone in her childbearing years let alone someone like me who is long past that. Yep, that’s my concession that I’m not a spring chick.

The rest of my story is that I have one child I’m still homeschooling, take care of two houses (one’s mine, the other one’s a church house), and I got something dropped in my lap a few months ago which has me driving 1,500 miles a month. Unreal. I don’t even know how I’m doing all of this, but the good news is that it’s paying all of those horrendous medical bills. I do not want to go into my old age owing six figures, and thankfully, I won’t!

And thank God! my youngest child, who is in high school, is independent or there would be real trouble. She directs her days more or less. I oversee the subject matter she studies and do lecture on some subjects, but other than that, the child tells me what’s happening. Most of that is her reading constantly — about four books a week and titles such as To Kill a Mockingbird or Ethan Frome or A Member of the Wedding, and some popular fiction thrown in like Looking for Alaska, which she hated. She said, “I don’t get why everyone [read that as her peers] thinks John Green’s writing is so great. This is my third book by him, and the first two I kept thinking that maybe the next book would wow me. That hasn’t happened. Honestly, Mom, To Kill a Mockingbird is soooooo much better than anything John Green has written it’s not funny.” I replied, “You know what’s happened don’t you?” She looked at me, and I continued, “You’ve been spoiled by good writing.” From there we went onto a very productive discussion of what we both like to see in writing.

So where am I going with this? Lately, discussing writing has stirred up such a longing to write again. Not that the desire ever went away, but it’s more intense these days because time’s winged chariot is kicking my ass, and I want to say something before I’m completely crushed. When I feel this way, I become wistful about this place, because writing this blog freed me up to write other things which I needed to get out or self combust. And I still have so much I want to say. Not sure how I’m going to pull it off, but I need to finish something here.

Other than that, picture me something like this (below) as I go about my day. I’m almost constantly with people. I love people, think they’re fascinating, and I never want to be completely cut off from them. Yeah, you can feel that “but” coming. I’ve got to get in a dark room and coalesce my thoughts instead of forever reacting to others — or feeling like I am.


Candid photo snagged from

Them’s the Rules, Baby Cakes

Dawn French and Sting

Reblogged from graffiti living.

You may remember James from when he gave us advice about how to view our blogs. I did take that advice and have never regretted it.

Now he’s back with some rules for Twitter:

My Rules On Twitter (in the order that I just made them up):

1. Don’t be a dick (Try to play nice with the other children)

2. Be yourself (I’m a part-time sarcastic git and full-time grumpy arse, but I mean well)

3. Don’t feed the trolls (and resist the urge to set an angry mob onto them)

4. Follow / Unfollow who you want (I prefer friendly creative types; sarcasm is an added bonus)

5. Don’t act butt-hurt if someone Follows / Unfollows you (all we are is words on a screen)

6. Talk with people, rather than market at them (take part in the conversation)

7. Be funny (and if you can’t be funny, be careful)

More here

Wonder what Richard Armitage is doing today?

Have you seen Dawn French and Sting together in the Red Nose Special 2007?

Are you sick of waiting on me to post my dwarf pieces? And a few other things?

Is baby cakes one word or two?

Got plenty more questions where those came from.

Have Selfie Stick and Know How to Use It


A word or two about the selfie stick since it seems to have created a bit of a ripple in RA universe the last few weeks.

Hello! I love the selfie stick. I mean it allows the user to show his/her surroundings which means that it’s really about getting something in the photo besides yourself. Wish I’d had one when Armitage Besotted and I were trying to get the Brooklyn Bridge in our selfie. But alas, our arms were too short. Not the first time I’ve noticed that about myself, so I went out and bought a selfie stick. Scratch. I loaded up Amazon and bought a selfie stick. Some of this was driven by being a gadget fiend. Oh yeah, I’m a gadget fiend. Have been almost since I exited the hatch. But I feel the selfie stick was a very justified purchase. Sometimes I just want something else in my selfie. No, most of the time I want something else in my selfie. :D

Plus, hey, the President uses one, so it can’t be all bad, right?


Dear President Obama,

I really did laugh out loud! LOL! See, I’m still laughing. Also appreciate the self-deprecation in Things Everybody Does But Doesn’t Talk About .

A crazy fan of the guy whose pictures are plastered all over this site; whom you may know as Thorin Oakenshield (assuming you’re a Hobbit fan)

P.S. I did sign up for health insurance.

Is there any doubt Richard Armitage can wield a mean selfie stick? For those of you who have seen him in person and his very adept ways with a camera phone, oh yeah, you know the answer to that is a resounding, “No doubt!”

Note: the Republican Party needs to get on the stick (sorry I couldn’t help myself) if they want to keep the attention of young people.

disclaimer: I’m not part of either party. Just sayin’ in case someone wants to put a spin on this post. I’m firmly independent.

One of the Perks of Getting Older

Maybe I’m not speaking for everyone, but I think I’m speaking for a significant number of people over the age of 35 — you don’t care about the behavior of people who disrupt award shows with their juvenile behavior, or who wins a Grammy, or who wins an Oscar for that matter. No, I’m not going to even say his name, and if you don’t know, don’t bother googling. It’s not worth it. Please trust me on that. :D

Yes, I’m admitting I’m over 35, which means those of you under that can summarily dismiss what I’m saying. But I take heart in the fact you will one day be over 35, or at least most of you will.

For the record, I haven’t been a fan of the Academy Awards since Shakespeare in Love won best picture. Little did I know at the time a movie like that would be considered something heady. Don’t believe me? Take a look at the top 10 all-time grossing movies, which most have occurred (no, make that all) in the last 15 years. Wait. I’ll give you top 10 adjusted for inflation. It improves, but not by much.

Maybe I shouldn’t say this since we’re still in The Hobbit juggernaut, but hey, it’s hard to ignore that most of the movies on that list (both lists) have little or no depth.

Okay, I do think it’s great that Beck won a Grammy:

beck at grammys

Hell no, I’m not putting up a picture of the guy who digs the chick with the big butt. I’m ashamed I even know who they are. Not sure who I’m talking about? Good on you! But a clue is here (watch the video).

The Changing Taylor Swift Effect

Yep, I’m going to talk about Taylor Swift again. I like her. More about that here if you’re so inclined to find out why.

For years now, this thing called the Taylor Swift Effect, has had many of the rest of us who aren’t teen girls, running for cover when it happens. But with her latest mega hit, it’s changing. No more crying it seems, but empowerment for everyone even if they’re not a teen girl:

Okay, so yeah, maybe this guy would make some teen girls cry by watching this video. I just laughed and thought, “You go, guy!” And really, how many of you have done this? C’mon, I know there are a few out there.

Segue: you know Richard Armitage does this; lip sync that is. Wouldn’t you love to have that video!

Yes, I’ve Been Somewhat Silent

My lack of commentary isn’t because I don’t have any or don’t care although some things in RA Universe I don’t care about. But rather it’s because I’ve been sick. I’ve gotten sick more times in the last almost two years than I did the entire, uh, I’d rather not say, but it’s decades. I simply have seldom gotten sick. My mother kept me home from school one time for sickness in the 7th grade. That’s when I got the Hong Kong flu. It lasted for two weeks. I also got a case of walking pneumonia in college that took about a month to get over. I’ve had the flu one other time since then, but it didn’t last but a few days. I’ve had a few ailments along the way but nothing major.

In fact, I’m one of those people who if I feel myself getting sick, I say to myself, “I will not be sick.” I just refuse to cave into it! This almost always works. But lately, it’s not working, and part of the reason is that I have not been taking care of myself. I stopped taking vitamins and drinking enough liquids and it’s caught up with me. So yeah, I’m to blame for the state of affairs.

But back to commentary. I almost always have commentary. It’s a curse that I’m so full of opinions. SO’s take on that is why does anyone want to hear everyone’s opinions all the time almost non-stop including mine? Don’t people get tired of incessant editorializing? He’s right to some degree, but he’s wrong that you can run a blog and not come with opinions and come with them a lot. It’s the nature of the beast, and I’m still full of opinions about Mr. Richard Armitage and associated people, etc. I can’t help it. If I’ve spent this much time paying attention, dammit, I’m going to have some opinions. :D

Yep, that’s right, Rich, I’m still going to give my cussed opinions about some of your moves. To which SO says, “That poor guy. I hope he doesn’t read all that stuff.”

Now for a picture:

Richard Armitage in Strike Back

This is an expression of my opinion about the virus I have. I would like to shoot it in the ass.

Other than all of that, I need to get my dwarf pieces done, but I’ve got time. I have 12, and they just need to be done by the wide release of Battle of the Five Armies. Then again, if that doesn’t happen, I’m not too worried. Researching these guys has been such a pleasure, I think you will enjoy hearing what I found no matter when I put them up.

Is It Too Much to Ask?

I’ve had an electronics free weekend. Not by choice, but does it matter? I still had to do without. Yep, that’s right, I’ve had virtually no contact with the outside world. My friends staged an intervention on me, so I could not use my phone or the Net for most of the weekend. Before you ask, yes! I had withdrawal. This pretty much sums up how I felt at first:


But I’ll be home later tonight and will definitely be able to post something salient to our guy. For now, I’m doing another quick post so you know I didn’t fall off the face of the earth. But I could have. My lodge room is up pretty high. About 9,000 ft elevation and probably 1,000 feet from the ground. This was about 6:45 this morning:

Click to enlarge

Hey, if I’m going to have electronics withdrawal, this is the way to do it!

note: the title was going to be a lead-in for the notion that it’s not too much to ask for just a few minutes of Internet time. As it is, I’m sneaking this. :D

Twitpic, I’m So Glad You’re Not Going Away

twitpic-logoIf you don’t already know it, Twitpic was going to shutdown on September 25th, but the news as of Thursday is that they have been acquired. This means if you were getting ready to rush over to Twitpic to copy all of your photos, you can relax.

Nevertheless, you may still want to take a backup up of them. Instructions on how to save your photos without doing it manually are here.

Dear Twitpic,

I’m sorry for the misunderstanding between you and Twitter but so glad someone else thinks you’re important enough to stick around. You are a clean and easy service to deal with. I hope you stay that way!

And here’s hoping your new owners can deal with Twitter.

A Fan

P.S. Here’s hoping you were bought by someone who is not going to throw in with the likes of Facebook.


And all those lovely photos I had of Richard Armitage can now rest easy. :D

Tangent — Please Keep Twitter Wild. Let the Bird Fly Free

September 5, 2014

twitter personalizationIt was bound to end soon, because Twitter is bent on making big bucks. It was inevitable when they made their IPO. But the somewhat chaotic nature of timelines and hashtags is a good thing — read that: it draws a lot of people to Twitter who in turn shake and move things. Take it away, and those same people may go somewhere else for their serendipity fix. What am I talking about? Personalization aka algorithmically curating our timelines.   Right now what we follow is what we see in our timelines, but if Twitter starts curating them with our having no ability to opt out, it’s not going to be nearly so much fun. When Twitter starts thinking for us solely based on how we’ve thought before, then the wonderful serendipity of Twitter and certainly its ability to expose us to other ways of thinking besides our own will be lost.

I mentioned this kind of thing* a few years ago. To be clear, I understand the need from an advertising standpoint. These companies have to make money to continue to provide us all the great content, but hell, isn’t there a happy medium so I’m not always fed exactly what a site thinks I want to see? How boring.

* Do yourself a favor and watch the video in that post I linked.

edit: I retweeted this earlier today, but I want ensure it’s seen by all of you, and that you know I feel the same:

another edit:

Throttling my feed and not showing me everything is exactly why I got so tired of Facebook & can barely make myself go there- even though that’s where most of my RL friends are. Don’t decide for me what I want to see and (especially) not see!! Twitter already has the “Promote” thing and it doesn’t bother me, I can ignore or not. Right now, I like the setup of Twitter much better. — SH on the possible algorithmic curating of Twitter timeline

Why Shit Doesn’t Just Happen

Reblogged from Write on the River

There’s an author and blogger I follow who got my attention this morning. I’ve now pre-ordered his book.

Why Shit Doesn’t Just Happen
September 2
By Bob Mayer

shitdoesntjusthappen1Why the book and title? I had to get your attention, just like engineers, soldiers, pilots, astronauts, passengers, policemen, firemen, etc. need to get someone’s attention just before a catastrophe occurs in order to either prevent the event or save lives. And engineers, systems analysts, workers, and managers have to get the attention of others in order to point out cascade events that, if unchecked, will lead to a catastrophe.

Consider the meaning of the phrase shit happens. Saying “shit happens” indicates events are random, have no meaning and there is no accountability or responsibility. It indicates such events could just as easily happen again and there’s nothing we can do about them.

Read the rest here

A segue for those who only come here to read about Richard Armitage. Today, our guy is “In Conversation” at the Old Vic, and it’s going to be interesting to see what he makes happen.

Hopefully we will hear something soon.

So yeah, an interesting mix of subjects.

edit: I wish I had turned off pinging. Oh well, Bob Mayer can think I’m a nut all he wants. I did buy the book. :D