Digital Theatre, You Have Such Good Timing

If you haven’t heard, Digital Theatre has announced today that The Crucible will be available for download on March 17.

Dear Lovely Person at Digital Theatre who decided to make this announcement today,

This is a wonderful birthday present. Makes me forget for a while that my birthday was only a couple of months ago even though others who know me say that was a whole year ago. Whatever.

And Abby is also celebrating since it’s her birthday too.

Yeah, I’d say this day is getting off to a great start. Cheers!


A crazy fan of some guy in The Crucible cast.

P.S. Thank you for not provoking me to use unsavory language.

The Crucible will be available for download

Marlise Boland is on it.

Thank you, Marlise. I appreciate all that you’re doing!


The Old Vic has heard us!


Sign up here to find out:

Some of My Favorite #AskArmitage Tweets for September 12

The control freak in me is begging to do this, so I’ve relented.

My favorite questions for the September 12th #AskArmitage Twitter event:


I did not see one of these, so I had to ask!

I’m sure some others have asked this, but I didn’t see any. Plus, it doesn’t hurt to get it in more than once. :D

To Someone Going to The Crucible on September 2nd…

One of you sent me a private message or an email or some form of online communication where you said you were going to the play the same day as the “In Conversation” event, but you did not have a ticket to the talk. I’ve looked in vain for your communication but don’t remember who you are. Please get in touch with me as I might have a ticket for you. I’ll tell you whom it’s from if it works out.

If you send me a note or message, I will cross check against my others, so no fakers here. :D

That is all.

Meg Sees The Crucible Again

Some of you remember Meg from back in June. Well, she got to see The Crucible again and shares the experience in great detail. Enjoy:

Thursday, 21 August 2014
London – food, friends and Richard Armitage.
I wish that I could say that yesterday’s weather was lovely – the one time I actually dress for the sunny weather, a chilly breeze decided to appear, so thanks for that mother nature!

(I want this bus…badly. And it’s contents too if possible!!)

Read the rest here

And Meg is far from alone in attending more than once. There are some people who have attended upwards of eight times. At least eight is the most viewings I know about. I’ll bet there are some who have attended more. :D

Some of you (and you know who you are) need to share publicly what it’s like to see this several times. If you’re not comfortable, I completely get it, but I hate that there are only a handful of us who have gotten to hear about it. Those of us who are not able to attend will take all the crumbs we can get. We may be deluded into thinking we might make a loaf out of it somehow. :p

For Those Fans Who Want a Refund on The Crucible Tickets…

I have a solution — for some of you. I will be happy to buy some of those tickets for what you paid for them. Not kidding.

So let me know. :D


And if any other Armitage Fans want to join me in this effort, feel free.

And It Keeps Coming

Living through the last six weeks has been rough and today especially so. The Old Vic sent me an email. They do that from time to time when you join their cause. Oh, I appreciate the emails, and under normal circumstances I would be happy to read a notice or two they want to give me. But it’s really hard to witness all the goings on about The Crucible and not being able to fully join in and getting mail from The Old Vic is just a reminder of all that I’m missing. Frankly, I would almost give my eye teeth to go to a performance. Of course it wouldn’t matter if I did because SO would kill me when I got back home.

And those reviews!


And that’s just The Old Vic’s side of the pond! I seem to remember a few on my side that were pretty complimentary. Hear that, Old Vic? Come to New York and soon! I have a feeling you will, and I was pretty heartened by this and some other rhetoric I’ve heard from the New York theater community which indicates there is a pretty good chance of this happening. The only question is whether Richard will be involved.

If I know him, and yes, I do a bit after all this time of watching a lot of his cussed moves, he will not let any grass grow under his feet, and we may well be hearing any day now what he’s about to do next. No, seriously, I’m thinking before the end of August we’ll be hearing about it. *Looks at watch* Yep, end of August drop dead. Probably mid-August. Anyway, The Old Vic needs to jump on it and have him locked in for next year or whenever.

None of that is to say this next announcement will be about a production in New York. No, it will probably be something different. Uhtred perhaps? Or is Richard past all that and now onto more intellectually stimulating fare? I do wonder these things when I have time to wonder, which I don’t as often these days, and that’s a good thing, ’cause if I did have time to really ponder with any depth all that’s going on with Richard, this email from The Old Vic would send my frustration through the roof:

Richard Armitage Conversations

Damn, I wish I had been to see the play, but I’m glad some of you have been able to see it and thoroughly enjoy it. That warms my heart because well, I’m proud of our guy and any adulation he gets which celebrates his talent is a thrill. No snark there. It really does warm my heart that he’s doing so well. I’m not sure I feel motherly about it but maybe.

Dear Rich,

May I say I always knew you had it in you. Or at least after I watched John Standring. I suspected before Standring. John Thornton was breathtaking, but I chalked that up to being enthralled by a great love story. Harry Kennedy was another thrill, but there wasn’t enough to convince that the depths of your talent were so great. Then came Guy. You didn’t stint even on that silly piece. But it was John Standring that made me a fan for life. I knew then you were made of something far more than a heartthrob. And I’d like to think I would never be this enthusiastic over a mere heartthrob. So your success is my vindication. Thanks for that. And hell, I haven’t even seen the play.

All the best,
A Crazy Fan who looks forward to more of your stellar work; see, see, you’ve set the bar damn high, my friend

More info here about Richard Armitage in Conversation. Maybe you’ll break down and join The Old Vic? Hmm.

Another Word about #VideotheCrucible – Now More Than Ever

Reblogged from Armitage Agonistes

I concur heartily with Perry’s thinking:

In response to this on Me and Richard, in which Servetus points out obstacles against a DVD or transfer of The Old Vic’s production of The Crucible, I have this to add.

The link in the blog was to a New York Post piece( something akin to the Daily Fail, but this was a serious article) about Arthur Miller’s daughter, Rebecca, who is the owner of the rights to Miller’s body of work, and as such, has the final say as to whether or not a production company can mount any of his plays. (Think the ownership maze that affected production of The Hobbit because of negotiations with the Tolkien family.)

In the article, Ms.Miller explains that she is selective about licensing rights to her father’s work.

The rest here

You Wanted the Input of a Seasoned Theater Goer…

I saw this in the very recent stream of tweets from The Crucible performance this evening in London. When I got over to Bryan Thomas’s profile, I was curious about his background with theater. It didn’t take long to find out this is someone who has seen a lot, and if you want to know what, he’s listed the performances he’s seen since 1972. There are performances other than theater listed, but read the list and you will know Bryan knows whereof he speaks when he made that tweet.

I would love to hear more from Bryan!

edit: Well, I’ve now spent a couple of hours at Bryan’s site, which has been registered since 1999. He’s not only a theater lover, but a helluva photographer. There’s a story with him, and if by some freak chance he comes over to look at this crazy fan’s site, I really would love to talk to him.