Dorktastic Returns

So Richard Armitage went to China for The Hobbit premiere, and it’s been well covered, but I’ve got to add my two.

We’ve been treated to an array of photos of this caliber:

RichardArmitage by Sarah Dunn

…courtesy of Sarah Dunn and her Leica, and all designed to make us go, “Oooh, Baby!” and I do at times. Yeah, I sometimes think, “Wow…”

But mostly I think, “You’ve come a long way from this, Baby:”

or maybe not:

Dorktastic Richard in ChinaScreencap from this video of Richard thanking the Chinese fans


It’s a secure and happy man who lets his dorktastic out in public. I love that you can still do that and the publicists be damned. No offense to your publicist.

And now that you’re proficient with a selfie stick:

…you just needed one other thing for your China trip — a GoPro attached to that panda hat. And if you ever get a dog, he can wear one too.

One of your crazy fans

P.S. Sometimes I feel for you in having a lot of your existence, including some of your childhood, trotted out for all to see. But the panda hat overrode any feelings of protection I may feel. :D

For those who have never seen Richard Armitage at a red carpet event, you have no idea how good he is with a camera phone. Oh, man, the dude can take a shot. And it makes sense; otherwise, he would have to wait for a nervous fan to fumble around.

I wonder when he decided to start taking selfies. It wasn’t in 2007 when he went to the BAFTAs (scroll down for the videos), but then the selfie didn’t really come into its own until the advent of the iPhone which was less than two years old at the time.

What It is About Nathan Kress

Kress_1100-1024x558As I said in a previous post, I just adored Nathan Kress in the new movie Into the Storm, and I wanted to find out more about him. So I asked Kelly aka @NBNathanKress, “Why Nathan?”

Her reply:

Like the majority of Nathan’s fans, I first became familiar with him thanks to “iCarly.” The show started off as background noise for me, but by the second season, I started to tune in more. I also learned that a lot of people I knew from other fandoms liked this show. While the show could definitely be wacky, the cast had wonderful chemistry and could tackle both comedy and drama. By the third season I believe, Twitter started to kick off and the fans were able to follow the cast and learn a bit more about them.

One thing that really stood out about this cast was that they all seemed to be pretty well grounded. They didn’t appear to be spoiled Hollywood divas. They were just teens who happened to act. That was refreshing.

Nathan_Kress_thumbs_upI’ve also always had a thing for what I call “adorkable” guys – cute guys who don’t take themselves too seriously. One of the jokes in the Nathan Kress fandom is about his inability to dance. There are plenty of videos and gifs to showcase this. Why this appeals to me? I guess I just enjoy a good laugh. It’s just silly fun.

Another reason I’m a fan of his? This is a big one, but I really admire that Nathan is vocal about his faith in Hollywood and tries to be a role model for his fans. I’ve seen too many stars shrug off this idea. There was even a somewhat recent interview with a Christian website where he went into detail about how his faith defines him and how he wants to be seen as the Christian who acts, not the actor who just happens to be a Christian. I think that’s a really brave thing to do in Hollywood. He also takes part in numerous charities and has even gone to New York City to help the Salvation Army with Hurricane Sandy relief efforts.

BuOikn4IMAEXuoQI have also yet to hear of a bad fan encounter. From mall signings to random sightings in LA and NY, fans always talk about how sweet he is and the awesome hugs he gives. I also always get a good laugh any time I read about how good he smells. For those who have gotten to actually visit with him longer, I always hear about how personable he is.

BuOiPvyIgAALt2ROff the top of my head, I can think of three or four fans who have met him on multiple occasions. For one girl, her first fan encounter was at a signing. When she mentioned her Twitter username, his head popped up and he immediately gave her a hug! Some devoted fans have also been able to visit the set whenever they were in California. One fan got to even have breakfast with him and his girlfriend. Each and every one of these fans come back with lots of stories about conversations they’ve had with him. Oh, and more hugs!
I mainly use Twitter and message forums to interact with other fans. We’re not the largest group, but we are very excited to see Nathan spread his wings in acting – especially in dramatic roles. I think I speak for the majority of his fans when I say that I always felt that Nathan’s strongest scenes in “iCarly’ were the serious moments. Also, the fans loved his appearances on both “CSI” and more recently “Major Crimes.” You can only imagine how ecstatic we were when we got confirmation he was going to be in a major motion thriller! We’re all just super excited to see where his career will take him.

So there’s my answer as to why I am a fan of the “adorkable” and talented Nathan Kress.

I love this and especially that he seems to be a person of character. He’s going to weather some storms over that! But that will only make him better and a real light.

Into the Storm was Nathan’s first major motion picture appearance, and I hope to see him again on the big screen very soon.

You can find Nathan on Twitter. Maybe he’ll help our guy get acclimated.

And maybe I should have an ‘adorkable’ tag, but for now, Nathan gets one of my favorite tags — ‘dorktastic.’

Candid shots from Into the Storm premiere in New York courtesy of MarieAstra, who by the way is watching The Crucible as I type this! :D

Finally Saw Into the Storm


SO and I were finally able to see this movie last night. And here’s a one sentence review for those in a hurry: I liked it!

Yep, that’s right, a Jane Austen, Elizabeth Gaskell, Charlotte Bronte’ loving fan likes her some action adventure. Psst: don’t tell the action fans or it will spoil my image, but then I did say there is one way to turn us hopeless romantics into action fans. But that’s not the only reason in this case.

Into the Storm is a great summer ride, which is exactly what I thought it was going to be, and I was not disappointed. As well, I agree with several fans who said Max Deacon did a great job. We will certainly be seeing more of him. I also thought the rest of the cast did well. I already liked Matt Walsh. I knew almost nothing about Sarah Wayne Callies, and now I know something, and I like her. She can fawn over Richard any day of the week. Just wish it were in a movie. LOL! I also liked Alycia Debnam-Carey and Arlen Escarpeta. Both of them held their own. Jeremy Sumpter played the perfect guy caught in something bigger than he was, and Kyle Davis and Jon Reep were a scream. Their characters Donk and Reevis were the perfect comic relief.

But I adored Nathan Kress. I had never seen much of anything with him except when I was briefly passing through the room where my youngest child was watching iCarly a few years ago. I’ll have to think about exactly what it was about Nathan, but for now, the few times he was heard or seen, his charisma was huge!

I’ll cover Richard in another post.

Dear Mr. Garner,

Thank you, thank you for the ride. All of it. I know other fans have already thanked you for all the fun we’ve had, but I had to do it too. And Into the Storm was worth the $11.50 admission + $10.00 for popcorn and a drink x 2. My SO and I had a lot fun, and I even got a little choked during one scene and did not expect that. LOL!

Thanks again,
One of Richard’s crazy fans

P.S. SO felt the same about the movie. I was going to ask him to write a review, but I cheated last time with the first Hobbit movie. :D

The Word You’re Looking for is Dorktastic


Can Richard Armitage do anything wrong? Maybe. ;-) But he hasn’t so far, and I love that he’s Mr. Heart Throb yet we can still see his dork. Yeah, it’s dorktastic! (Thank you again, Nat, for turning me onto that word because I really needed it this morning!).

Okay, I’m talking about the Richard on the right in case it’s not clear. He’s a heart throb too! And definitely gets my vote. I think reblogs are how that’s done. Reblogs with lots of commentary. LOL!


You’re loveable and Kermit’s loveable although I’ve never thought of Kermit as a heart throb. I guess some people do. It must be his thoughtfulness, which you certainly share, and there is nothing more powerful than a heart throb with a streak of thoughtfulness — no matter what all of those romance novels suggest.

One of your crazy fans who thought of W.C. Fields on first watching the Go Pop clip, and yet if anyone can pull it off, you can. :D Think John Standring.

note: you gotta see this large. :D Be sure to click on the photo to expand it.

Where Do I Start?


As usual, Richard Armitage’s appearances have gone from such a sparsity to so much to gorge on I feel I have an eating disorder. No, I’m not making light of eating disorders. But seriously now, this feast and famine thing is enough to create an unhealthy appetite. :D At one point the dearth of appearances had me thinking like the proverbial buzzard. And now, I fear I may get sick. But of course that’s never stopped me.

Oh, you read my words about refraining from indulging in more info about the Hobbit movies, and you believed them? I might be able to pull it off (if you believe that, we need to talk more as I have a bridge for sale), but the Hobbit info is not synonymous with Richard Armitage. You thought it was?! You have to be new! Oh my, no way is he just about The Hobbit. Great as that is, may I say I’m glad he has many more performances to recommend him than Thorin Oakenshield. And if you have not seen North and South, do it now! Your inner, misunderstood beauty will thank me. :D

But even if he is just about the Hobbit in this last round of interviews, fans have plenty to savor. Richard still seems to be his intensely charming yet down-to-earth self, who keeps pulling some of us back into his world. As one fan put it to me, “Damn! He’s done it again. I thought I was over this Richard Armitage infatuation, but it’s back in full bloom.” For that person, it was very much about his ability to stay humble and sincere in the face of such great admiration. I’m not sure exactly how he maintains his character, but I can speculate, which if you haven’t been on this blog much is what I sometimes do here and many times in a snarky fashion. Occasionally, I’m serious because Richard deserves it. Today, I’m not quite sure what I’m going to be. Whatever the case, I am certainly feeling a great need to lay on some cheap psychoanalysis of what I’m seeing.

There has to be something that made such an impression on Richard Armitage that he can never shake it as part of his identity. Probably done in childhood as it is with most of us and consisting of those unpleasant experiences that occur which make us believe something negative about ourselves, and we seldom get past it no matter how many positive experiences may come behind it. Too often this kind of molding creates a liability in us which we drag around, but occasionally, someone lets the liability work for them in a healthy way. Since Richard has talked quite a bit about balancing his life, I’d like to think that’s what happened to him. That despite adulation, and many times deserved, his experience can never let him fully accept how we all see him — meaning very handsome, very intelligent and welcome at anyone’s table — and therefore he is able to keep arrogance at bay.


He still retains a bit of gawkiness that most likely occurred when he attained his full height at 14, and he may not realize it just makes him more attractive because it makes him personable. Phew! that combination of looks, brains and being accessible as a human being?! That will pull many a woman (and no doubt some men) into his charm — whether he wants to pull them or not. And of course he has some awareness of this, but the real question is how aware? Yep, that’s the question, baby cakes. Does he pull out the charm when it suits him? Or is he really just being himself? I think he has some ice breakers he relies on, but for the most part, I don’t think someone can fake his kind of earnestness this long.

What I find so refreshing is not just that he can maintain this demeanor, but also that so many appreciate it. That makes this last round of interviews in Australia truly glorious. People really do appreciate his character, and that makes me have such a great feeling about my fellow man and woman. :D

Dear Richard,

You have found the most successful way to combat objectification — people taking you seriously as a person and not just relegating you to a dream lover although I must admit that if someone wants a dream lover, you’re a good one. LOL!

No, I’m not saying you’ve been my dream lover, but I’m not blind and can see you would make a good one, and those women who aspire to someone with your character have good sense as well as good taste.

Okay, enough of that. I just want to say that my jaded self really does appreciate your graciousness to the public. May you never lose whatever it is that allows you this ability.

Maybe staying out the public eye between these interview gigs does help? Yeah, I’m cutting you a break on the feast or famine cycle.

One of your crazy fans who is definitely sane enough to appreciate a man who is gallant.

Hopefully up next is the post that I’ve had from the beginning of this blog. I have edited that thing so many times, well, it’s embarrassing. So the other day I went back to the original, and I think it’s almost where I want it now.

Candid photos courtesy of Popcorn Taxi.

Yes, the Kid in the Back

Ali has put up a photo of Richard Armitage on tour with 42nd Street c. 1991. Do I need to diagram this? Nope, it’s obvious. He’s in the back with a huge grin on his face. What a joy to watch someone like that. I have a child who is rather tall and also a dancer. She is in the back a lot due to her height. When you’re taller than the others, you are often relegated to the back. But the look of pure joy on her face usually makes her stand out. She is almost always smiling. That’s her natural response to most public situations and to life in general. Perhaps I’m imbuing RA with her qualities, but it seems that he smiles a lot. I love that. There’s not enough smiling in the world.

Click to enlarge

Photo courtesy of RichardArmitageNet.Com

edit: So perhaps Richard is standing behind the front of the line. I’m not sure, but that slightly pointed ear of the dark headed guy might be his. But I stand by what I said earlier about him smiling. If nothing else, the other picture taken behind the scenes at 42nd Street supports the claim. :D

Just When I Was Getting Bored

One of my lovely, wonderful, incredible fellow Richard Armitage fans has treated us all by unearthing a couple of photos that are in the public domain (fingers crossed here) that many have not seen:

He went from this:

to this:


That incredible looking man with the sweet boy hopefully still inside him.

Photo find courtesy of Wendy. Top one supposedly associated with 42nd Street. Bottom one supposedly taken in the Twin Towers after a New York performance of Macbeth.

Thank you, Wendy. I’m wonderfully refreshed in the middle of this terrible drought. :D

edit: Did I just compromise my principles? I’m not sure. If I did, then I’ll run backwards. It’s my understanding that these pictures are in the public domain, or I would not have posted them. Sadly, some may be there unintentionally. I have no way of knowing that, so I posted.

404 Not Found?!!

Since you have landed here, that means you have probably clicked on a cache of a category or tag that I trashed. Before you get upset, you can always try the search function instead. It’s to your left on the sidebar unless you’re on a phone, and then it should be at the top right.

If you have read this far, I’ll grace you with a goodie (subject to change due to my mood). Today it’s an excerpt from RA’s most recent audio book:

Convenient Marriage excerpt

[note to regular readers of this blog: I could do this housekeeping under the covers, but this is much more fun. Proving that under the covers is not always more fun.] This is my continuing public service to all of Richard Armitage’s fans. See how good I am to you. I take care of you even when you hit a dead end. ;-)

Screencap courtesy of ArmitageDaily on Livejournal.

Audio courtesy of Naxos Audiobooks who released The Convenient Marriage and two other audio books by RA — Sylvester and Venetia.

Gotta Love Him

I adore this article. How could I not? Either RA is the smartest guy walking who knows how to work women or he’s smart and he really means all of this. Wow. Both possibilities are wonderful, but I hope it’s the latter — for his sake.

Richard Armitage: ‘I was a beanpole with a nose I hadn’t grown into’

By: Vicki Power. 30/05/2010

The sexy 39-year-old star of Spooks and Sky One’s Strike Back on growing into his looks/nose, why he’s more ‘new man’ than macho soldier, and looking for that perfect food-loving woman

You’re the go-to guy for brooding heroes. Do you like being seen as a sex symbol?
Richard Armitage: It’s quite funny – no, it’s hilarious to be considered a sex symbol. In school I was a beanpole with a nose I hadn’t grown into. Being thought of as sexy makes one employable, but it’s not going to last forever, so I try not to think about it. It’s like something that exists outside of me.

You certainly look hot in the dark blue suit you’ve put on for this interview…
RA: Thank you. It’s Dolce & Gabbana and the shirt is Prada, but the truth is, nearly all my other clothes are Lucas’s from Spooks. I can’t bear shopping. I can choose clothes for my characters, but not for myself. I’ve got no dress sense. Or I’ve lost it.

What appealed about your character John Porter in the Sky series Chris Ryan’s Strike Back?
RA: I thought, here’s a chance to have a crack at a man who’s not a bog-standard war hero. Porter is what Lucas wishes he could be – SAS men get to go all over the world and operate in deep cover, while in Spooks we only get to walk up The Mall and go onto a few London rooftops. Lucas would love to be shooting out of an aircraft.

Could you have been a soldier?
RA: Not a chance! I can work hard and be disciplined like a soldier, but I could never reach their level of fitness. I have a whole new appreciation of soldiers. I saw myself on screen and thought, ‘That body is so not hard enough to be a soldier.’

What sort of training did you do?
RA: I did mega-training with ex-military men. I’d be in the gym for two hours after a 12-hour day on Spooks, and it was so hardcore I’d throw up. I stuffed myself with food and drank protein shakes to bulk up. I used to be a dancer, but I had to strap my weak ankles every day and strengthen my wrists so I could hold a machine gun. My body just wasn’t up to it.

So you’re not a macho man…
RA: I’m probably more of a new man. I’m not particularly alpha. ‘Nourish and nurture’ are my watchwords as opposed to ‘search and destroy’. I kept asking myself why on earth have they asked me to play this character, rather than someone who’s really hard. But I suppose it’s because I bring something softer to the character.

You were filming in South Africa for five months. What was that like?
RA: We had a great time, although it was so hot it felt like you were in an oven. We filmed in a poor black township outside Pretoria that everybody told us was dangerous, but we’d often play football with the kids. Once we didn’t have anywhere to change and one of the locals said, ‘Come to my house.’ It was a tin shack, but it was spotlessly clean. You can’t believe it’s somebody’s home. It was so humbling.

What did you miss most about home?
RA: I didn’t miss anything. I was so in the character, I’d dream about him at night. Even I thought, ‘This is crazy, I’m too involved.’ I found it hard to call or Skype friends – it was almost as though I couldn’t get out of the character. I screwed up my social life a bit.

Speaking of which, how’s your love life?
RA: Unfortunately, my love life is nil. I’m not in a relationship any longer – I’m working too much – but I would like to settle down at some point. That’s probably why I’m going to LA soon, when I’m not tied down. I feel like if you don’t try LA, then people will think you’ve failed.

Do you want a family?
RA: Yes, I’d like a wife and family. I spend so much time with my brother’s little boy, Abe, who’s coming up to five, and he’s so hilarious. Playing a father in Strike Back has really resonated with me, although I can’t believe I’m starting to get cast with teenage daughters! I’m quite relieved I don’t have that responsibility in real life, but I look around and my fellow actors are having babies and I’m envious. One day, one day.

But you’ll turn 40 next year. Isn’t about time you gave it some thought?
RA: Yes. That’s part of the problem, isn’t it, because I still feel like I’m 25 in my head. I always thought when I got to 40 it would be OK because I’d feel 40, but I don’t.

What type of girl would you go for?
RA: Someone a bit naughty. And who likes food – because I really do – and who doesn’t take life too seriously and has a sense of humour.
I could never go out with another actor, I’d find that hard – the stresses of the job, they just pull people in different directions.

(emphasis mine)

See what I mean about being smart, and he wants someone who likes food? WHAT?!!! Wait. wait. Maybe he really meant it about kissing Nigella Lawson. Nooo! Surely not. But he has talked about this more than once. Hmmm. All you single girls out there who like to cook AND eat, have you died and gone to heaven yet? But hey, you need to be able to laugh while you’re eating. No eating without laughing. Hey, most of us who like to eat only have to look in the mirror to start laughing. LOL! I used to be a tiny little thing, and I’m still not huge, but there’s more of me to love these days. SO says I’m voluptuous and he likes it! I’m going to assume this is the kind of gal RA is talking about. So all you single, voluptuous gals need to line up. At the very least, I’m sure you will have sweet dreams tonight. :D

Your fans call themselves Armitage’s Army. What are they like?
RA: Over the years they’ve sent me presents and turned up at film sets, but lately I’ve kind of left them alone. I got a bit too involved and there’s an expectation from them that goes along with that.

I don’t know about all of you, but I’m tired of reading about all of us. Man, that husband who came up with this moniker is getting his revenge. LOL!

Do you read about yourself on the internet?
RA: I decided this year not to read anything. It’s been very liberating. The problem with me is I read everything, but it’s only the bad stuff that stays with me. It’s weird, you only need to be told something once and it stays with you.

What are your hobbies?
RA: I only learned to ski five years ago, but I’m addicted to it. I went five times this season. I should have been a ski instructor instead of an actor. I also dragged my cello out of the loft a couple of weeks ago and went back to that, but I have to squeeze playing it into the hour and a half I get in the evening after work. God, I sound like such a boring workaholic.

I would love to talk about this part, but I would really give myself away. :D

To read the rest, go here.

Do I need a picture? I didn’t think so. Those answers are so good, the images in your head are better than anything I could post.

edit: and yes, I know he’s only 38. How could I call myself an RA fan and not know that! But the journalist was correct that he will be 40 next year. He just hasn’t turned 39 yet. This edit was also put here as a public service for all of you who are not quite up yet on your RA facts. ;-) Oh, heck the whole post is a public service for women who like to eat. LOL!

Diggin’ Dorktastic

So yesterday a bunch of us got excited about the supposed video of RA as a kid of 20 mimicking a music video. I don’t know for sure that it’s him, and I doubt that anyone reading my blog or Nat’s or servetus’ knows either. But it was fun to speculate.

I thought it was cute, and if it is RA, there is nothing embarrassing about it in my opinion, and it’s my opinion (for the most part) that will dictate what does or does not get posted on this blog. Hopefully, no one was offended by that video. If they were, then they probably won’t want to read this blog in the future. By saying that, I’m not implying at all that I would put something up that would compromise Richard Armitage. I respect him even though I’m wrestling with objectification (more on that later; not quite ready to talk about it yet. I still want to wallow in it a bit).

But today, I’m trying out a new word that I love. It’s already becoming entrenched in my vocabulary. At least in my head and on this blog. Not sure if I’m ready to utter the word, but I do LOVE dorktastic! and it’s now part of the RA Lexicon. Thank you, Nat for introducing me to that word in Busting a Groove!

Dorktastic gets at another facet of RA that I love. His dork factor. I love it when some guy is very sexy and masculine but has a bit of dork going on. It’s a type of vulnerability, and we women need vulnerability in the men we’re attracted to. No, I don’t want to psychoanalyze that just yet. It might reveal more about my control freak than I’m comfortable with. LOL!

I find it interesting that Guy of Gisborne, who is fatally sexy, has a bit of dork peek through now and again. I love that about Guy — showing that vulnerability. Showing the kid, the little boy inside the bad ass. Is it just me who finds this attractive?

Okay, hit me with the psychoanalysis. I’m ready. LOL!

Wait! I forgot my gratuitous pics.

Dork moment coming up:

He has no clue; just can’t hold back his dork:

There he goes:

Classically perplexed like a true dork, or huh?

My heart went out to Guy in that scene. I had to mentally slap myself to remember the heinous things he’d done. Such is the power of the dork when it’s in a sexy package.

For a less cursory treatment of dork as it applies to RA, check out Servetus’s post Dorktastic Past.

Screencaps courtesy of (update: which no longer exists) and RichardArmitageNet.Com