Things I Sometimes Wonder About — still

Sometimes when life smiles at me or gives me a slap, I’m occasionally curious what Richard Armitage has experienced. There’s no question he’s had his share of ups and downs. We all do, but what were they for him and how did he deal with them?

I don’t wonder about these things as often as I did when I was in the euphoric state of my fan odyssey, but I still wonder about how he’s navigated the sometimes treacherous waters of the entertainment business. Have some others given him a break out of the kindness of their hearts even though he doesn’t fit into the usual frame Hollywood thrusts on us? Does kindness even exist in the entertainment culture? Yes, it’s an old question but still largely unanswered, or maybe that’s just me because I don’t read Hollywood exposes. Let me rephrase the question. Does kindness exist significantly enough to be on the radar of those in that business? My gut says if it does, it’s a blip, but I could be wrong. And not to beat a dead horse, but I really did like Todd Garner. Whether you think his movies are any good, I believe he’s a nice guy. Sure he’s part salesman. That’s how money is provided to make movies. Gotta have the salesman, or nothing will get done. I found out in the course of dealing with him and not too long afterward, that he has had the same core group working for him for quite some time. Doesn’t that say something about him? I know it does when others have long term employees or associates. It usually means someone’s a good guy.

But back to Richard Armitage. Have some in the business just fallen all over themselves at his talents? (yeah, I’m still trying to rationalize this addiction.) Or are they just preening for the camera because baby, it’s all about selling the dream. :D

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Actually, I tend to believe Michelle Forbes. Probably because she seems to be pretty blunt, and she’s 50 something, and could well think, “What the hell! I’m gonna tell it like it is, and dammit, I like Richard Armitage.” Yeah, that’s what I infer from her, ’cause baby, that’s what I want to infer. I’m 50 something too, so yeah, that’s how I see it.

But back to Richard. What is in that head? After all these years of being a fan and hating the word fan and generally being at odds with the whole fan thang, I still wonder what is in that head! Oh, I’ve speculated about what’s in there — much more than I’ve written on this blog (yeah, can you believe that) — and on many occasions thought I knew. Sometimes I still think I know. I’m arrogant that way. :D But if I’m being honest, I don’t have much more than a clue, because niggling at the back of my mind is always the thought, “How good an actor is he really? Is he so good that he’s got me completely buffaloed about what kind of person he really is? Then I second guess myself and think, “Nah, he’s a great guy.” And that my friends, is almost always where I land in my thinking. He’s a great guy. A human being who can get upset like the rest of us, but a great guy in the sense that he is kind and polite and still doesn’t have the demeanor of someone who deserves adulation.

I have more things I wonder, but I make no promises on when I’ll type them out. It seems every time I try to make a commitment to communicate here, something happens, and it’s usually major. I won’t bore you with the details, but trust me, it’s usually YUGE. :D So glad I can grin at the trauma. I guess I can because life is crazy, but somehow, somehow, it turns out. Yeah, I know why, but I’m not going to preach on this blog.

Thanks for letting me snaffle your photo, Ms. Forbes. :D

Dr. White Hot — in case you missed him

Richard Armitage in Sleepwalker

Yeah, there he is burning up the place.

And for the rest of ya, I don’t care if you have already seen this; can you see it too often?! :D

note: first I have to get cheesy (see the last post) and then I have to go into objectification mode in order to get into the flow here.

Photo courtesy of Elliott Lester with some magic done by Ali at

Paging Dr. White

Elliott Lester
No, it’s not Dr. White but rather the guy who’s been teasing all of you on Twitter. Who I think is a cutie as well as a tease.

Oh you don’t like my title ’cause the doctor is not that kind of doctor? Wait. Someone else says, “Go ahead and page him. We wanna see what he looks like!” I’m not sure I can satisfy the lust for info, but a fan sent me a couple of pics of the film set she literally happened on. She had gone to the venue to see a sporting event and then noticed there was something else going on. She was kind enough to share some long distance shots from her phone:



And the fan who took these had a friend and recent recruit to the Armitage Army with her. To quote the friend, “He is hot! and better looking in real life.”

Okay, so they’re not the greatest shots of Richard, but if you were overwhelmed by the presence of himself when you weren’t expecting to be, could you really get a good shot? Yeah, that’s what I thought. :D

Dear Elliott:

Please don’t change Richard’s character’s name. “White Hot” is too good to ignore. The Army can have a field day with that. But we need a clear picture, man, or do you want us to apply our imaginations to this thing?

One of Richard’s crazy fans who is dreaming up all sorts of ways to mine the name ‘white,’ but I may not publish any of them; just entertain myself dreaming them up. ;-)

P.S. Are you ready for the fangirl deluge?

Angie: I throw this out to you: we need a graphic stat! :D

To the rest of you: Okay, so yeah, the title is cheesy. How do you think I get back in the flow of this craziness?!

edit: ArmitageBesotted and I were recently talking about the misuse of there, their and they’re. So what do I do? Misuse the hell out of it in this post. LOL!!

Timeout for a Timeout

OnLocation-UrbanAtShedCrewtwitter-08Apr14Have you ever been so tired at the end of the day you didn’t care if you ate or bathed? You were like a homing pigeon focused on making it to a certain place, and that would be the bed? And you had to be focused ’cause you were so whipped that any distraction would have completely taken you off task?

Yeah, I know some of you have been that tired, and tonight I’m so there. My whole goal in the next half hour is to make it to bed. A few minutes ago the doorbell rang, and of course no one else is home to answer it. I flirted with the idea of ignoring it and proceeding onto my bedroom, but I felt bad about doing that and decided to see who it was. I’m so glad I didn’t blow it off, ’cause I opened the front door and lo and behold it was my ass finally getting home.

I really am tired tonight. It’s a good tired but a very real tired, so any speculation about Richard Armitage’s future plans will have to wait until tomorrow — at least for me.

And hey, we may hear something between now and then, and a very good chance it will be by the end of this month.


I hope you’re taking a timeout too after that hellacious schedule for The Crucible.

I would write more, but man, my brain hasn’t gotten home yet. I hope it shows up before morning.

A crazy…oh to hell with it; I’m to bed.

I hope one of you will wake me if something really interesting happens. :D

There May Still Be a Chance to Go to The Crucible

If you are really wanting to go to The Crucible, there may still be a way. A well-wisher who wants to remain anonymous has approached me about doing another giveaway. I will come with details after the June 21st performance has come and gone. Just hang onto your sanity in the meantime, which means you probably shouldn’t look at this below. :D

Richard Armitage Crucible Rehearsal

I know…

I know…

Look away if you have to; otherwise, you may run yourself crazy.

*Frenz talking to herself again*

Behind the scenes photo courtesy of The Old Vic Theatre

It Coulda Been Me…

Don’t let June 21st come and go with that thought. Enter the giveaway for two tickets to see The Crucible.

Thankfully I have already gotten some entries this morning. Thank you for those! But a reminder that the rest of you still have over seven hours to send an entry.

So that there is no confusion about whether I received entries, I will send a confirmation to each of you who enter.

And for those thinking about it, you are going to feel like this if you could have entered and chose not to:

Richard Armitage Urban
Richard Armitage and Fraser Kelly on the set of Urban and the Shed Crew

Behind the scenes photo courtesy of Amanda Kelly on Twitter, and is she Fraser’s mother? That what it says on her Twitter profile, but I don’t know ’cause I’ve been out of the loop. Someone educate me quickly! :D

Yeah, Ugly and Damaged

Richard Armitage Urban Shed Crew

I’m not making light of what happens to people’s lives that are destroyed or never had a chance to flourish, but I’m glad for our guy. No guyliner this time, but I can handle it. Still wondering when he’s going to shave his head though. Yes, I really would love to see that. Hey, he can always grow it back. Have you seen his hair?! Really looked at it? Yeah, the dude has quite a mane — with or without extensions.

You can read the article here from whence this image came (someone slap me), but it’s not really about Richard Armitage.

Note to self: get back to work! Yes, I really am working. Just took a break to look at my Frenz email.

Wait. This piece starts with a ‘Y’. I’ll be back soon with ‘S’. Damn A to Z Challenge is messing with my OCD.

A Hole in the Ground

How is it that a person who a little more than a year ago was holding a LEGO in his hands…


…is now the lead in a history play which is a veiled reference to the hysteria in America during the 50s? Ahh yes, I get it. Ask and ye shall receive. I said Daniel Day-Lewis one too many times. ;-)

Daniel Day-Lewis in The Cruible

Go ahead and click on that photo. You get to see a pretty good “love” scene and back when people still knew the name Winona Ryder. Whatever happened to her anyway? Yeah, I know she had sticky fingers, but what happened to her after that? No, don’t answer. It will just take us off of this serious topic. Other than that, DAMN! that Daniel was hot. He’s still hot in my opinion.

Wait! I just realized there will be no screencaps like this from Richard Armitage’s performance at The Old Vic. Help! I’m already starting to have withdrawal!

Seriously, I understand this move. It is how a person washes the taste of Hobbits out of his psyche.

And that’s my H entry for this April challenge thingy.

Juxtaposition in the ‘Hood

A new Richard Armitage photo surfaced from @UrbanAtShedCrew, and I have all kinds of good vibes about this.

Richard Armitage Urban and the Shed Crew

Thoughts of Richard playing the scruff, out of his element — or is he? I absolutely adore this. Can hardly wait even though I realize it may not play in the U.S. quickly. Since when has that ever stopped any of us? And for anyone reading who may be alarmed by that statement, I always buy the DVD and usually more than one. It’s my understanding that many, many fans do this. But best of all, we are willing to talk and talk and talk about these vehicles.

Meanwhile, just one of the tweets inuring us to the culture of Urban and the Crew:

Interesting stuff to read as I wait for my book to get here.

And the Into the Storm trailer!

Yeah, Rich!

All of a sudden we have a few things to look forward to. I knew it. I knew it. Yes, I’m gloating. I knew you weren’t sitting on your duff. Have you ever been able to do that? Seriously, man, have you ever been able to sit still?

Somehow I doubt it, and I would bet there’s some really fine looking home improvements created in between all of these theatrical offerings when you were supposedly having your “down time.” :D

A fan crazy about damaged characters.

P.S. You have always done a wonderful job with redemption stories. I really cannot wait to see this. Sue me if I’m getting ahead of myself.

RA’s Diary — Gluteal Dreams

Whenever I think of Richard Armitage these days, I mostly think what he may be doing about his career. I also remember he’s a sly one at times as he was when he was shooting Captain America. No one knew about that until he was in the middle of it, and I chuckled to myself at the time and then I wrote this:

RA’s Diary

Entry — On Location with Captain America

The afternoon before my shoot:

I finally got to Manchester and met with the production people. It was fantastic to be back on a movie set. Much different from “Frozen.” So much has changed in just a few years, and this picture has some serious money behind it. When I was younger, I’m not sure I cared about that, but now? I understand the importance of capitalizing these things after all of the legwork I’ve done on Richard III. I will definitely be taking notes. Wonder what Dad would think of a comic book version of RIII? No, no, I could never do that, but damn that would be funny. Visions of Monty Python run through my head.

My only real irritation right now is the potential for a gaggle of women to show up on the fringes of the set. Please God don’t let that happen. I already have too many friends trying to take the mickey out of me about that, and it’s hard to be taken seriously when a bunch of middle-aged women indulging their fantasies are standing around. And I just want to work without having to be cordial. But I will be polite if need be because it’s my middle name. I’ve certainly had that beat into my head. As it is the hair on the back of my neck was on end at one point when I was standing in the street getting instructions about my shoot tomorrow. Thankfully, I saw no women and only a couple of guys taking video from their cameras. I almost hate video cameras.

[click to enlarge]

The next evening:

One of those guys put video on YouTube, and there I am in the middle of it. I tried to make myself smaller when I caught them in my peripheral vision, but I’ve never been able to scrunch down enough to hide. What was I thinking? And I felt like I was 16 again and couldn’t decide between embracing my size and wanting to be invisible. Even if I could have made myself shorter, I guess my arse is recognizable and some make a study of it. There is that one blogger who goes on about my thighs, which I guess are part of my arse, and yeah, when I wore black leather there were a lot of flattering comments. Maybe it’s not so bad, and I didn’t really mind my prison scene or my boiler suit scene. That did make me feel good for a while, and of course there was my scene with Julie. But those were my naked arse and not my covered arse. Shit! Why did I have to wear that stupid jacket? I need some long coats and a few more hats.

Sorry but I had to get inside Richard’s head again. It helps me stay in touch with my X chromosomes.

For some who have no sense of humor or who are action fans, YES, this is a fake entry.


At no time in the writing of this entry did I imagine I was really speaking for Richard Armitage nor did I deceive myself into thinking I really know his thoughts. Therefore, there is no need to involve his agent or publicist in what is supposed to be humorous. Of course I realize tone on the net is not always properly conveyed, and hey, I’m not a writer (I just have lots of crap I want to say), so I’m not taking the chance of being misconstrued.

Have a nice day. :D

Note: I’m blaming my lack of inhibition about posting this on my cold medicine and having just read James Franco’s Actor’s Anonymous. ;p

Photo courtesy of Hobbsy and his video from whence the photo was taken, if you’re interested. :D