Missed Opportunities?

I’m not sure why it is, but I still get a tingle down my spine when I hear about this new movie the Spooks franchise is filming in New Zealand. This shouldn’t be the case when I consider what happened with the series. Whoever ran pr for that notoriously got it wrong. They could not keep things in the bag. Sure we didn’t know about Lisa Faulkner getting fried, and the series rode on the reverberations of that event for a long time. But it was the end of any real surprises as many of their remaining moves were telegraphed and primarily via promotional spots.

So I come to The Greater Good, and I can’t help but wonder if they will get the promotion right. I hope so, and if anyone who has any clout with that show is reading this post (fat chance, but I’m optimistic still), would you please put the fear of God in the guy who is doing the marketing, so the greater good of this movie as a thriller can be preserved?

I feel myself wanting to really launch into a rant about Spooks, but I’ve done that already. As for Richard Armitage, I hate how that show went down for him. The possibilities were so much better than the reality. Maybe I will go on a rant after all but not today.

Other than that, will this franchise sneak someone in from the past? If so, whom will it be? And don’t ever think it can’t be someone dead. They resurrected Tom didn’t they? Plus, there can always be a flashback.

I know I’m like a dog with a bone on this subject, but something in me won’t let it go. Maybe because Richard Armitage can’t seem to let it go.

Thank you to Ali at RichardArmitageNet.com for reminding me of which interview Richard talked about Spooks and to the the ladies at RichardArmitageCentral who are so faithful to create transcripts of RA’s interviews!


This is one of my favorite scenes from Spooks S9. So much there to work with. Aargh!
Screencap courtesy of RichardArmitageNet.Com

A Flower for Anna

The Queen is planting petunias in her yard in memory of Anna. What a perfectly lovely idea and especially since Anna was very much a lover of flowers and a gardener. In fact, she was interviewed about Middle-Earth flora for the GardenMaine site.

I perused the site for something from New Zealand that I could grow since some of the areas in Colorado are similar. But I have a black thumb and was skittish about planting anything that an idiot couldn’t maintain. I thought perhaps begonias since that had been one of Anna’s Twitter avatars, and thankfully, Janine, prolific writer and gardener and owner of GardenMaine, says begonias are “actually super easy. They don’t require much care, thrive in indirect light and just need to be watered when soil is slightly dried out.” More about them here.


Janine’s site is a wealth of information, and she is happy to help anyone who is not sure what to plant or how to maintain a plant. Thank you, Janine!

What a Way To Go!

I told you I was not out of The Hobbit mode, and I’m not. But I’m almost always in Richard Armitage mode, and this account by @kellyduck has thrown me into full throttle:

This post is long overdue, as it’s been nearly 2 months since my trip to beautiful New Zealand for the premiere of The Hobbit. Writing about my Richard Armitage encounter was a lot harder than I ever thought it would be, and I’ve gained a new appreciation for you bloggers that manage to do this on a regular basis. I don’t consider myself a great writer and can tend to be a bit wordy, but I hope you’ll find these ramblings a little entertaining anyway.

As I headed to New Zealand for The Hobbit Premiere festivities, I never truly expected I would actually meet the man himself. Wellington was bound to be packed with visitors and the chances of running into him anywhere seemed pretty impossible. I’d only seen Red Carpet events in pictures or videos, but most seem to be more about the press than the fans, so I wasn’t sure how close we would be able to get to Richard Armitage. I had high hopes of seeing him on the Red Carpet and taking a few quick snaps as he walked by. I even thought maybe, if we were really, really lucky we might even get a quick hello with an autograph, but I tried hard not to set my hopes too high.

So there I was, on a packed Air New Zealand flight about to be bound for Middle-earth itself. Although I was excited, I’d been traveling for much of the day, and by the time I’d reached LAX, I was beginning to feel the weariness that airport travel brings. I wanted to be ready to hit the ground running once I reached New Zealand, and I hoped to get some rest on my flight to Auckland. As I settled into my seat, I could hear the flight crew making some announcements. Over the PA, a flight attendant said something about duty-free merchandise still needing picked up and began going through a list of names…….

“Random person….random person….Richard Armitage…random person….”

Wait…WHAT!? Did she just say what I think she said? No way! Not possible, I told myself. I figured maybe someone was having a laugh, maybe another RA fan on the way to New Zealand even. After all, why would Richard Armitage be on a flight from LA? He’d be coming from London, wouldn’t he?

I managed to mostly brush it off, and settled in for my 11 hour flight to Auckland. There was plenty of Middle-earth entertainment to keep me occupied and our lovely AirNZ Concierge gal even had a Hobbit trivia contest. A few hours into the flight, as dinner service was beginning, I overheard something that nearly stopped my heart. The flight crew were serving meals to the people in the row in front of me, and the flight attendant asked if they’d started their journey on the London leg of the flight.

Wait….WHAT!? The flight I was on had originated in LONDON!? Woah! This possibility had not even crossed my mind. Holy moly! Richard Armitage actually COULD be on my flight! *Begin hyperventilation

Thankfully Air New Zealand serves complimentary wine with dinner because, at that point, I needed something to calm my poor nerves. I tried to brush it off again as best I could. After dinner, Concierge gal announced that if anyone was interested in The Hobbit to contact her (via this really awesome instant message type system, so cool!) and she might stop by their seat with some goodies. Hobbity goodies!? Yes please! :) So I typed a cheeky message about how she should come see me because I was headed all the way to Wellington for the premiere “…and to meet Richard Armitage,” I added. The curiosity was killing me, and I figured this might be my only hope of finding anything out.

About half an hour later Concierge gal did stop by my seat. She brought me some lovely goodies, and an astonishing revelation…..

“I hate to tell you this” she said, “but, that guy you wanted to meet, Richard….what was his name…”

“He’s up there isn’t he?!” I nearly squealed, pointing toward the front of the plane.

“There are several [Hobbit cast members] on the flight actually,” she said grinning. (WHAAAAAT?!!)

Maintaining my composure as best I could, I assured her I had no intention of bothering anyone during the flight, but if she happened to talk to Richard, she could maybe let him know where my seat was ;) (wink, wink)

“Well, you never know, you may run into them in the airport or something,”

Oh crapola! It suddenly occurred to me, I just might!

Well you can imagine how the rest of the flight was for me. Trapped on an airplane knowing that Richard Armitage was merely a few meters/yards away, breathing the same recycled airplane air, it was almost too much. My mind was running wild, but I also knew that being at the far back of the plane (row 58, middle seat) there was very little I could do to investigate without potentially reenacting the scene from Bridesmaids in the First Class Cabin, and probably getting myself detained & deported from New Zealand upon arrival. I wasn’t ready to jeopardize my entire trip just yet.

The hours passed VERY slowly……

Finally, we landed and are getting ready to deplane. I resisted the urge to shove my way through scores of lovely people in order to get off. As I said before, I’m at the very back of the plane, and it starts to sink in that my chances of seeing our man are getting smaller by the minute. Still, as I finally hit the terminal and head towards passport control, my eyes are peeled for any sign of the lovely Mr. Armitage. The passport area at Auckland is much like any other except that, to me it seemed rather dark, as if only half of the lights were on. I was trying desperately to get my paperwork in order while still scanning the room for a glimpse of RA. Where on earth could he be? Everyone goes through passport control, even TDH Brits. Could he have gotten through that quickly? Oh no! This can’t happen! I can’t get this close and then not even see him! I was so shell-shocked and sleep deprived, I thought I just might cry….

but then….

Wait….THERE!! It’s him! Holy moly! It’s dark and he’s on the complete opposite side of the room (VIP lane of course), but that profile is unmistakable. Oh yeah, it’s Richard Armitage.

At this point it was nearly impossible to breathe or maintain any focus on what I was doing. I still had to make it through the passport check, and I was trying to watch my line, but mostly just gawking at Richard and trying desperately to remain in a vertical position. He was wearing boots, a dark jacket, and carrying a backpack. I noticed there was most definitely something stubbly on his chin (squeeeee!) and that he was chatting away with an adorable little blonde (who we later discovered was most likely his lovely publicist, Ruth Bernstein). I took my eyes off of him for a split second and discovered it was my turn at the window. Handing the lady my passport, I make my best attempt to appear calm and rational. This attempt was smashed to bits as I see Richard walk past, directly behind the passport control booth that I was standing in front of. I’m not sure I can describe the myriad of emotions that hit me at that moment, but judging by the look the immigration lady gave me as she handed back my passport, they were written all over my face.

Passport in hand, I bolted forward into the walkway and spotted Richard a few meters ahead of me. It took a lot of willpower and restraint not to burst into a full run down the corridor, but I did however break into a bit of a speed walk/jog. It didn’t seem too out-of-place to be in a hurry in an airport, and I wanted to bridge as much distance as I could before we reached the escalator that was just ahead.

One of the things that I remember distinctly about that day was watching him walking ahead of me for those few moments. I remember the way the tops of his untied boots “flopped” as he walked. I remember there being something different, almost heavy footed, in the way he walked (maybe a remnant of Thorin in his step?) And I remember those jeans… Yeah, they looked pretty great from the front, but from the back…. Well, even his spectacular derriere could not make those jeans (and their giant orange stitched pockets) look good. Oh well, I’m guessing they were comfortable, which is how most people dress for a 24 hour flight. (We won’t even mention how I must have looked.)

My quick stepping landed me only 5 or 6 steps above RA on the escalator, giving me a perfect view of his lovely head. I stared intently as he continued chatting away with the cute blonde. They reached the bottom of the escalator and disappear to the left, into the baggage claim area. I followed close behind, trying not to lose sight of the man for too long. I stopped quickly, as I discovered he has stopped just a few feet ahead of me. His back was to me, and I realized he had just stopped in front of the rest of his traveling group. I stood there wide-eyed and mouth gaping, as I spot Martin Freeman…then Andy Serkis….Elijah Wood….and even little Kiran Shah all standing with Richard Armitage, less than 10 feet in front of me. WHAAAAA!! Holy Moly!

I stood there dumbstruck, for what seemed like days. I was completely frozen in my spot. Martin, who was facing me, was wearing sunglasses and chatting with Kiran, while Elijah and Andy seemed to be politely conversing with a couple of fans. I noticed Richard and the cute blonde began walking over to the other side of the bag carousel, presumably to be in a better position to grab their bags. There was a group of women standing off to the side of where MF, AS, and EW were standing (more publicists) that appeared to be traveling with them. After a few moments, cute blond walked over to chat with these ladies leaving RA standing on his own…..

I realized I’ve been handed a once in a lifetime opportunity! He’s by himself, so if I’m going to talk to him this was the time to do it. Oh my gosh! This was it! It was now or never! I went to New Zealand in the hopes of meeting Richard…and there he was! I knew it would likely be awkward and uncomfortable, but I owed it to myself and every RA admirer I know, not to let this chance pass. I desperately mustered every bit of courage I had, took a deep breath, and walked as calmly as I could toward where he was standing. He was standing right next to a pillar, so I had to walk around behind him to get to where he was. I didn’t know how else to get his attention so I reached up and placed my hand on his left shoulder-blade and said his name. (so bold, I know but, yes friends, I touched the leather!!) As he turned to look at me, I nearly lost the power of speech, and I could feel my body shaking. I apologized for bothering him and said that I was a “fan” of his work and he thanked me, genuinely, and gave me such a sweet smile. It was during his thank you that I remember us making eye contact and, let me tell you this, no photo can capture what it was like to look into those eyes. I don’t remember exactly what was said after that because, well, I was horribly nervous and in a sleep deprived, over caffeinated delirium. I mentioned that I was meeting up with some other fans for the premiere, and he chuckled and said it was going to be an amazing week. He asked how my flight was (sweet man), and I jabbered about the turbulence that made it hard to sleep, and he chuckled about being so sound asleep that he didn’t notice anything.

At this point he turned toward the luggage cart in front of him and (here’s where it got REALLY awkward) started fidgeting with a shopping bag (that mystery Duty Free purchase?) and said something about having trouble with his bag [getting it to stay in the cart?]. It was a strange transition, and I decided to take that as my cue to go before I made a nuisance of myself. I said I didn’t want to keep him any longer and just wanted to say hello. He didn’t look at me or say anything but just kept fidgeting with the shopping bag. It was odd, but it didn’t feel rude or anything. I got the sense that maybe he was a bit nervous too (he kept chuckling and saying “yeah”), as well as being groggy from such a long day of travel. I backed a few feet away from him, and there we stood, waiting for our luggage. His bags (2 large suitcases) came round well before mine, and I watched as he and the others pushed their carts into the next checkpoint area and disappeared.


There was no sign of them by the time I got my bags, and I presumed, at this point, that they were all long gone. As it turns out, I would see them all again, and again, and again. (My poor nerves!) After a coffee and chat with the lovely Anna, who met me at the airport (and a bit of fanning ourselves as well), I boarded a flight to Wellington only to watch RA and the rest of the group board the same plane too. Trapped on an airplane once again. At least this time I could see the back of the man’s head. As I looked toward the front of the plane, I could see dozens of Bilbos staring back at me from the cover of the AirNZ magazine. I wondered what it must be like for Martin to be sitting a few rows ahead and seeing the same thing. I wondered if he and RA had begun to realize the craziness that awaited them over the next weeks to come.

They were just leaving the baggage claim in Wellington by the time I reached the terminal, so I only saw RA walking away. I gathered my bags and headed off to find my shuttle. There was a bit of walkway between the exit and the baggage area and I came upon the group again as I looked for the exit. As I passed the group, I could see in my peripheral vision that Elijah Wood started walking just behind me. I was trying to muster the courage to say hello when he came across someone he knew and stopped to chat.
(*I did get to say Hi to Elijah as he was leaving the Weta Cave the next day but didn’t try to chat; it was obvious he was in a hurry)

And that was how my amazing Hobbity adventure began. The whole New Zealand trip was one of the most amazing experiences of my life. There are so many more stories to tell, but we’ll save those adventures for another day. xx


Read Anna’s account of the Red Carpet here

Love it, Kelly! But I don’t think you’re getting off the hook so easily in not sharing some more stories. :D

Candid photo of Richard snaffled from @MorrighansMuse

Back to Work!

How many are still recovering from last night’s drunken stupor of fangirling?

A little hair of the dog is always helpful to get back to your daily routine:


Oh yeah, look at those eyes. I mean really look because if you really look, you won’t be able to stop yourself from gushing, and now you have a place to relieve it by sharing your thoughts with Glamour UK about Richard Armitage’s Red Carpet appearance. Besides, this is what the Army does so well, and really, we need to get back at it. :D

So while you’re not love bombing RA’s charities, go over and tell Glamour what you think.

Also, I’m thankful to Ilaria Urbinati for her lovely work in dressing Richard Armitage. Damn! How do people get these jobs?! Should have been a stylist! Only one problem. I am short on knowing how to create a style. I just know what I like when I see it.

Don Draper eat your heart out!

Thanks to Ali at RichardArmitageNet.Com for the heads up.

Watching The Hobbit Premiere On Free Live Stream


Yes! You can watch The Hobbit Premiere live and get your fix of Richard Armitage even if you’re not in New Zealand and don’t have a cable connection. Doesn’t matter. There are places around the web which will offer live, free streaming of the event. The Red Carpet will begin at 4:30pm Wellington Time with streaming coverage beginning at 3:50pm. If you’re not sure when that is your time, you can check out this clock.

Most of these are facilitated by Warner Brothers streaming through NowLive, so yeah, the NowLive link is direct. But I think most of you know which one I’m going to access. :D


Middle-Earth Network

The Hero Complex

Now Live


Cinemaxx (Germany; not sure it’s free but it should be)

I’m currently looking for other sites and will add as I find them and correct links as needed. Additionally, if you find some, please feel free to let me know, and I’ll update.

Also, please note that some of these streams will offer replays as soon as the event is done, so no worries if you can’t watch it live.

Fasten Your Seat Belts, Richard Armitage Frenzy is Here

We’re kicking into high gear with the world’s introduction to Richard Armitage, and you thought it started when his plane took off from LA. Oh, no, it really started when he landed:

I have never in all my experience as a Richard Armitage fangirl (yes, I’m a girl dammit :D) seen fangirling taken to such extremes, and the euphoria is spreading into all areas.

Our own Janine Pineo being her usual interesting self and actually making me take an interest in gardening! has done a Q&A with Anna about her beloved New Zealand. I wanna go to New Zealand! And I’ll even swear to grow some plants.

‘The Hobbit’ Made Me Do It

How Garden Maine Went to New Zealand and Back Again

• By Janine Pineo •

Back in August, this thought popped into my head: Wouldn’t it be cool to feature plants from New Zealand in The Daily Plant when ‘The Hobbit’ premieres?

Then I went back to picking vegetables or making pickles or whatever bit of garden fun I was doing at the time. Which, if you know your Tolkien, is a fairly Hobbity pastime.

But the idea didn’t fade away. Instead, the little seed that was planted lay dormant for a bit.

It sprouted about the time I met Anna Paton in the land of the Internet, where we were talking about all things Hobbit and many things not.

Anna, you see, is a Kiwi.

Read the rest here.

Wait. I guess that’s supposed only to be about Hobbit excitement. *rolls eyes*

And Heidi, the doubting Thomasina in our midst (see big time skepticism here) has been so overcome by what she’s seeing that she has now recanted her suspicions:


Meanwhile legions of fans are “love bombing” RA’s charities.

So I’m wondering how Richard Armitage Addiction is affecting others. Like, oh say, buying a Thorin Pez dispenser? Eagle Eyed Editor said she saw one. I don’t think she’s quite worked into a frenzy yet (give her time), so she didn’t buy one, and if you did, I won’t hold it against you if you don’t admit it. LOL! For me the euphoric state has untold effect although this blog should be some clue. But two things make it abundantly clear at the moment: 1) I’m considering gardening, which means something has obliterated my usual enmity with plants. Oh, it’s not that I don’t like to look at them, but we keep our distance from each other. 2) I’m going to NYC in December. I really need to have my head examined on that one.

No, I’m not done.

I’m curious about the strange yet not unnatural acts (when considering the impetus) that you’ve gotten up to since the RA frenzy hit. Okay, you can throw in some unnatural acts too. Just keep it clean. And if you haven’t any yet, hang on. :D

Airport shot courtesy of bccmee’s tumblr. Plane shot courtesy of Air New Zealand.

edit: I stand corrected that the Pez dispenser was Lord of the Rings and not The Hobbit, and now I know the real reason Eagle Eyed Editor did not buy one. ;-)

Do You Really Want to Go to New Zealand to See The Hobbit?

What are you waiting for?! Sign up for Air New Zealand’s contest to win a chance for a fantastic trip. Seeing The Hobbit is only part of it!! You know my hatred for certain kinds of punctuation. Would I be using this many exclamation points if I weren’t serious about this?!! You only have a little while longer to enter. 6pm on Sunday 11th November 2012 NZ Time is the deadline, and that is, well, I don’t know how many hours that is from now, but it’s not long.

If you haven’t clicked on the contest link, just know that it has something to do with this video:

And no, you’re not seeing things. There are a couple of familiar nuts in it. They get to let us in on the experience here:

I’m utterly serious that they are nuts. Larry Curtis (aka MrCere at TORn) despite his beautiful baritone voice is definitely a nut. Cliff? Oh yeah. :D And I say all of this with the greatest affection. They fit right in with this place. (note to self: I need to write about these two some more).

Okay, I found a clock for all of you who are like me and lazy and don’t have the inclination to keep up with the current time in New Zealand. ;p

Lots of Lovely Details about The Hobbit Premiere in Wellington

Yep, we’re getting all sorts of details about the shindig the Kiwis are planning for The Hobbit premiere. They’re even renaming the town for the event.

Okay, okay, okay! I admit it! I would love to go to Wellington! There I said it. Phew.

That would be a dream. It’s not going to happen, but it’s nice to dream. :D And it’s springtime in New Zealand. *sigh*

I can’t stand it. I’ve got to stop thinking about this, or I’m going to have a meltdown. Yeah, yeah, I said I wasn’t going to watch the Royal Wedding either. I was so glued to the set and had no good excuse for it. I’m blaming this foolishness on Tolkien.

Maybe Billy was right. ;-)

I should have been a travel agent after I finished my career as a make-up artist.

note: I did publish something erroneously right before this post. Sorry, but it’s not ready yet.

Where To Now For Richard Armitage?

It’s a wrap for ‘The Hobbit’ filming! Other than heading to Comic-Con, I wonder if Richard Armitage will get in some skiing. Oh maybe free styling somewhere around Ruapehu:


Dear Rich,

Forget I said that. We can’t have you breaking a leg before Comic-Con. We’re all beside ourselves to see you up there where you belong — onstage before a bunch of screaming fans. Be sure to take some Tylenol.

One of your crazy fans, who knows what it’s like to break a leg and wouldn’t wish it on anyone. Ugh.

What a Night!

A report from a local in New Zealand:

I travelled to Wellington to see Ian McKellen’s one man show in support of a theatre in Christchurch which miraculously survived the big quake but the 10,000 after shocks has left the building needing a lot of expensive repair. My sister lives in Wellington so I was staying with her and she was coming to the show with me. There were rumours that the cast of the Hobbit would attend but I tried not to get my hopes up.

We arrived at the theatre and positioned ourselves on the stairs so we could see who was arriving. First we saw Martin Freeman and shortly thereafter Richard Armitage. He had a quiet demeanour and although he greeted some friends was left alone by the people in the lobby. He has a bit more hair on top, dark, and the beard is as we have seen before, perhaps a bit bushier. I think he was wearing the Spooks series 8 jacket – the one with leather trim along the raised collar. He was also wearing a thick black long sleeved Tshirt and black jeans. He took his seat a few rows back from the rest of the cast which seemed to include most of the kiwis, and Aidan Turner, Billy Connolly, James Nesbitt and Luke Evans. I was in the circle and couldn’t actually see him from my seat.

The show started and it was a magical show. It was definitely an audience who knew their Shakespeare and of course NZers are as fond of Sir Ian as he is of NZ. The first half of the show began with a passage from The Hobbit, and then he talked about JRR Tolkein and previous Hobbit productions, and wielded his sword which is very large and very beautiful. He then admitted that there are 2 versions of the sword, an aluminum one for fighting and a heavier one for ceremonial occasions. The audience was then invited to ask him any questions they liked, and it was a very merry story telling session until intermission.

Spotted RA again (it is helpful that he is tall) but he did not stay in the lobby long.There were a lot of people in the lobby, and I was feeling rather shy myself, so didn’t approach him.

The 2nd half of the show was all about Shakespeare with soliloquies from a number of plays. The audience loved it and there were some spellbinding moments.

AND THEN he invited the Hobbit cast on stage. I’m sure you can guess who waited at the back of the queue as they all climbed the stairs to the stage, and there was quite a number. RA was holding a collection bucket, as were other cast members and I started to get a nervous feeling in the pit of my stomach. Members of the audience were then also invited on stage and Ian gave them some instructions we could not hear. What he was telling them to do was to fall down as if dead at a particular point in the next speech, which is what they all did. I took a video with my pretty poor camera which is now on You Tube. The One Ring Site has one with better audio, and the bows at the end, but mine has lightly more RA:

And then the show ended. We headed out to the lobby, and there were members of the cast with buckets collecting but no sign of RA. Luke Evans, James Nesbitt and Aidan Turner I spotted, but where was RA? After a bit of waiting we decided he must still be in the theatre stalls area, and headed in there. There was a large queue waiting to talk to Martin Freeman but only about half a dozen talking to RA. He was chatting to an expat English family while they all took photos with him. And then it was my turn. Summoning my courage I asked him if he would sign my book, a copy of The Hobbit of course. He said “Good book” and I said I had thought I should read it before the film came out. He asked me my name, and then said he would also put his character’s name after his signature in the book (being an unassuming chap he thought I wouldn’t already know-as if!). I asked if he had enjoyed his time in NZ, and he said he loved New Zealand. I said that I really enjoyed his performances and he said “oh bless you”. I then asked how much longer he would be Thorin and he said about a month. At this point (and yes, I did make a donation in the bucket while all this was going on) I was too shy to ask for a photo, but I was so thrilled to have had a short conversation with him that it felt like an imposition to ask him for a photo as well as the autograph. I wished him good luck with the rest of the filming, and moved on.

I think he may be very tired as they near the end of filming as he was very still. There was not an ounce of “movie star” in his manner. I wouldn’t say he was shy, but certainly not someone to push himself forward.


Thank you NZfan!

I feel the urge to start making grand pronouncements about this wonderful fellow we’ve all decided to follow, but I’ll try to refrain for now. Maybe our friend in New Zealand will be so kind as to fill us in on some things if we ask nicely. :D