A Different Kind of Rippling — RA on Politics Part IV

It’s hard to talk about politics and always has been. “Don’t talk publicly about politics, religion, sex or money.” I do not know how many times I have heard this saying or some variation of it. However you or I take that phrase, it is hard for many to talk about these subjects because we all have an emotional connection to them. But politics is the most difficult to discuss. With religion, sex or money someone can always preface her remarks as only pertaining to herself, but politics by its nature is about us collectively. This makes it impossible to limit any comments we make about it, so when we do speak of it, we’re destined to traverse a gooey mass of opinions.

As for myself, I have never had an issue speaking of religion, sex or money. I was brought up with very few boundaries in regard to discussing those subjects or almost any other subject, gooey mass of opinions or no. If anything, I had to learn some decorum. Politics was another matter. I was hesitant and still am, I can’t get around the fact that anytime politics is brought up, someone is going to be pissed off. Thankfully, I learned this early because I grew up observing a political operative, a master of maneuvers, if you will, who understood people and politics to a degree that still astounds me and others who knew him. I look back now and shake my head and chuckle at some of the things I observed my father doing and how he could get people to do things and in particular give time and money to causes. When it came to speaking politically, he was very circumspect and never lost his cool. I wish I could say the same, but I can’t. He saw politics or any communications about it as a minefield instead of a boggy mess, but he loved a challenge, so he thrived on navigating the potential bombs.

But most of us don’t thrive on the thrill of beating the explosions. We just want to say something and sometimes passionately and hope it will have a good effect, or maybe we’re ranting and not paying attention to how others may be receiving it. We’re just that damn mad. Unfortunately, you can’t throw a rock in a pond and expect no ripples (see how I scaled back that metaphor to something less militaristic? :D). No, seriously, when we speak and especially if we speak passionately, we are going to get a reaction, and if we don’t, I think most of us would be depressed at the thought no one is listening.


Richard Armitage, who recently started making passionate political posts on Twitter, has been speaking to be heard. There is nothing wrong with his doing this. He should be able to do it if he has one million followers or two. But I don’t think he counted on how the blow ups from his tweets would affect him. He certainly expected his remarks to have fallout. He’s not a fool. This is not the first time he’s spoken politically and others had something negative to say about it, so he knew some people wouldn’t like it. But his reaction to the negative response is what I’m referencing. His passion got away from him and he made a crack of a come back, which the kinder, gentler Richard more than likely knew as soon as he’d done it (or very near) that it would rain down holy hell on the fan who had spoken. I believe for that reason he removed his tweet. He thought better of it and didn’t want to create trouble for the person. Yes, I want to believe Richard is this nice. Sue me.

As well, he probably didn’t want to give a platform to the person. But unfortunately, he can’t put a foot an inch in any direction publicly that the fans are not on it. I mean, man, are they on it. LOL!

So Richard, you can’t tweet and take it back. Dude, haven’t you learned by now that the minute (probably the second actually) you say something on Twitter…Wait a minute. Wait. Wait. Wait. a minute. Oh man, I just realized this tweeting and taking it back quickly was not a mistake. Well, a good chance that it wasn’t. Wait, was this planned? If not, then you stepped into something brilliant.

But I’ve got to recap to make this plain (for myself if no one else :D).

You were passionate about your beliefs, and in the heat of passion about them, you spoke very candidly and pointedly to someone who thought you had an unfair advantage in swaying others when you speak (and she is pretty much right about that, but hey, that should not stop you or anyone from speaking), and now you have lots of fans defending you as if you’re helpless. And I did it too! Oh damn. I did it too! APM made a stealth attack on me! LOL!

The APM aside, I understand, the fans are loving your tweets because of how real they are. No spin. Merely you being a person. a real person, being so passionate and getting all hot and bothered and then pissed off at something someone said to you. And it makes it even better in their minds that you were justified. You exhibiting righteous indignation — the real thing and not for some role?! I suspect this was a massive turn on for some who witnessed it. :D o_O

For those who didn’t like it, well, they’re talking about you too!

And there are a lot of others keeping mum, but they’re reading about this. Oh yeah, they’re reading about it!

A seemingly superb turn of events with respect to PR. *high five*

A crazy, formerly APM infected fan who’s over it now – at least for this round, but a fan who still loves you. Yep, a fan who is always going to have a soft spot in her heart for you, Richard no matter if you talk about politics and create a brouhaha or not. Of course if you become a serial killer or worse, I will have to re-evaluate.

Okay, back to sanity. Some of you have asked for my take, and in fact, it was those messages to me privately that put this whole thing on my radar. Well, here’s my take. Richard Armitage has the right to speak his mind about politics. I have never thought differently. But I’m ashamed I became part of the clamoring masses trying to defend Richard Armitage’s right to speak. He has more of a voice than most of us, so this idea he can’t speak is laughable. But I do want to make it clear that I understand he is passionate about what is happening in his country and completely understand his compulsion to speak about it. I understand that all too well as I feel the same about what is happening in my country. We have some very serious issues going on in the U.S., and the frustration at the corruption that is happening is overwhelming. Our leaders and our institutions are failing us, but I don’t think that any of you want to hear me talk about all of that on this blog. And you need to ask yourself why you don’t want to hear it? I think most of it is because you come here to either be entertained or talk about entertainment and not to hear me wax on about my political views.

And now to discuss the fan and her response which set off the reaction. She absolutely has the right to have an expectation (of anyone) and to give a response when someone speaks in a public area. We all have that right. And our expectations do not have to be realistic. The only real boundary to expectations is when they translate into harm or illegal activity. Last time I checked, criticism is not illegal. As to the comment, I’ve thought about it quite a bit. Not because it’s important in the grand scheme of things, but because of my initial reaction, and what that says about me. I initially saw the remark as an insult and unfair, and it was because I like Richard Armitage. That simple. But I looked at it again some hours later, and it is not necessarily an insult and it’s definitely not an unfair conclusion.

I do wish actors would stay out of politics. They have an unfair advantage of swaying opinions due to fandom. Sad.

Of course it depends on how you read this whether it’s an insult or not. I think many of us took Richard’s cue that it was. As to the conclusion this person made, it’s generally true that (well known) actors do have more of a voice on an array of subjects including politics when they may be no more informed than any of the rest of us.

Ohmygod, Ohmygod, Ohmygod

Oh brother. :D I can’t help snickering a bit at the rippling going on in the RA fandom. All over this picture:


It came from this tweet:

flor tweet for ohmygod rafrenzy

The timing of this is fascinating. I have all kinds of thoughts about that, but I’m working so don’t really have time to wax on about it at present. Just know that this frau is not upset, still likes Richard Armitage, and personally thinks it’s absurd that someone can sit on a park bench with someone and somehow we know their sex life. Wow. None of that is to say that Richard Armitage and Lee Pace are not a couple but merely to say that those whose fascination with Richard is predicated on their fantasies don’t need much to get them going or not going — whichever the case may be. :D

Meanwhile, I keep chuckling at the rippling because you would think the damn world stopped.

On a serious note, I wonder how many fangirls this picture will lose for him and potentially affect what he does. If he hasn’t put all of his hopes on heartthrob, then it should’t be too much of a problem. Glad he’s been getting out of that box. May he continue.


Okay, I have a few more minutes before I really, really have to get back to work!

The body language cracks me up. It seems to say: Yeah, we’re sitting here, f*ckers; make something of it.

second edit:

I have to be done with this in like three minutes when I have a teleconference scheduled.

Cynical Frenz about to weigh in.

If Richard Armitage were really worried about rumors, he wouldn’t be sitting so prominently on a park bench with a well known actor who is likely to be photographed and especially one that he’s often linked to romantically. So, part of me thinks a) he’s in the glass closet, b) he doesn’t give a damn what others think and is tired of the rhetoric, so there take that! or c) (and this is the one I tend to lean toward), hell, look at how much buzz this is going to get on the web. Not so much because of Richard but because of Lee. Sorry I can’t help this, but my bullshit detector is starting to react. No, I haven’t fully thought this out. There may be logical reasons why I’m wrong, but something seems fishy.

A Fair Night of Rippling

Richard Armitage as John Proctor

Yep, I’d say this ranks up there as one of the best nights for Richard Armitage rippling. I know I had fun. Feeling a little drunk right now, but that’s what usually happens when we go into a full-throttle ripple. Meaning almost non-stop.

Dear Mr. Spacey and The Old Vic Company,

Thank you for a wonderful night!

A once crazy fan who has now been vindicated

Speaking of which:

Oh yeah! I had to do that again.

Dear John,

I’m so glad my first dear John letter breaks from the traditional and is something upbeat.

You will never know what your words mean to so many fans who have long seen what you were privy to last evening.

We really, really appreciate it.

A Friend

P.S. You’re right. I can be a follower and a fan too. :)

Know Surprises

Richard Armitage with bedroom eyesNow that we’re reasonably sure Richard Armitage will be starring in The Old Vic’s version of The Crucible, this probably means no RA at Comic-Con in San Diego. Yep, I’m thinking that may be what it means. Unless he got two days off to make a jaunt across the pond. If he does come to the Con, he probably won’t be there on Saturday but rather Thursday, since Saturdays are big days in the theater. Or am I wrong about this?

Yeah, I think the group in London will try to accommodate a trip to Cali — at least mid-week so he can promote Into the Storm. Unless his last minute appearance at Cinema-Con in Las Vegas was a trade-off for not appearing in San Diego.

Then again, I could be so out in left field, because last time I checked, Peter Jackson is no pushover, and he’s not going to have a skeleton crew at Comic-Con and certainly not doing his thing on Thursday. It will be Saturday for PJ and company, and not to mention that Richard Armitage seems to be the point man for pushing The Hobbit. But maybe that was also a trade-off, so that Richard is getting it out of the way and will be free all summer. I kind of doubt that.

Or maybe it’s either/or. He gets to be there on Thursday or Saturday but not both. Or maybe both PJ and Todd have their promotions running on Saturday. I’m so confused.

My gut: if he made an agreement with Peter Jackson to be there for The Hobbit, he will be. How can I say that? Hmm, Peter Jackson, the West End, Peter Jackson, the West End. Uh yeah, it’s Peter Jackson. Whether fair or not, that’s probably reality.

Whatever happens, it’s probably not a good idea for fans to buy tickets to The Crucible from July 23-28.* Can you imagine how pissed off you would be if you did and he was an ocean away? Yeah, consider this post a public service.

Other than that, the photo above is an interesting pick for The Mail. Is he a deer caught in the glare of the paparazzi or are those the bedroom eyes that get John Proctor and the rest of Salem in trouble? ;-)

And a thank you to Baz Bamigboye for the latest ripple effect. Now if he could just put his ear to the ground and answer my musing…

edit: it just occurred to me I may have made an error in this piece because The Old Vic is not technically in the West End. It’s not even in the area known as Theatreland. I’m doing this entirely from memory, so if anyone knows, educate me please. I don’t have time to look it up! :)

* those blackout dates are subject to change based on the confirmed news we hear; however, it’s good to keep in mind that the Into the Storm premiere will be coming up not long after Comic-con. The world premiere will be less than two weeks after Comic-Con ends.

I Gave Myself a Christmas Present

Harry Kennedy smiling

I’m sorry I’ve been a downer to some of you lately. It is a problem from time to time when my sane self wants to have a go at a blog piece. But I’m happy to report I am sufficiently demented today such that my tongue is so far in my cheek, I’m not sure it will ever come out. It being lodged in there has facilitated this post.

But before I begin, I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and are still having a wonderful time. May that be the case all year round and without having to spend inordinate amounts of money. Since I’ve already waxed on about spending money at Christmas (also written as my sane self), I’ll refrain this time around. So yeah, this post is hopefully about something other than spending money on myself, which I did last week when I spent $118 at an Aveda salon.

Shame on me for admitting that. It’s crass to talk money like that, but I did spend $118 to get my hair done and get some product. For those of you who have been to an Aveda salon, had the treatment and bought some product, you know I got off cheap. And it’s really astounding I had the privilege when I consider I just did a walk-in on them. They don’t take walk-ins, but I walked in and announced I was getting my hair cut somewhere that day, and if they could work me in, great, and if not, that was fine too. They were cutting my hair 20 minutes later, and it felt good, ’cause they usually massage your head while they’re at it, and they’re into aromatherapy, so the massage not only feels good but smells good. It always makes me want to go to sleep and dream. In fact, I had a hard time staying awake, and afterward, in my groggy state, as I stumbled to the cashier, I felt they were doing me a favor to take my $118.

But that’s not what I want to talk about.

When I was first reading this year’s Christmas message from Richard Armitage, I was reading as I usually do, meaning my sane and somewhat cynical self reads those messages. That’s not to say I read them with an eye toward criticizing our object, but rather that I always read them with the understanding they are goodwill gestures from Richard Armitage, who is polite enough to still give a nod, if not a dance, to the ones he sees as partially bringing him. I appreciate that, but I never take those things personally. Until this year when for half a second, I felt he was actually talking to me.

See I told you my insane self was back. That I’m admitting this has to be about the most crazy thing I’ve done on this blog. (Can you say tin hat? Sure you can. :D) My sane self immediately admonished me, and the self-flagellation continued as I got notes from some of you telling me the same thing — that Richard was talking to me! Me!

Sane self continued to hold out and Christmas came, and yes, it was good; no media or barely any for over a day. The family and I had a wonderful time together. But yesterday morning, I asked myself what it would be like to believe after the rough year I’ve had and SO too, mainly SO, that Richard Armitage would encourage me specifically. That’s when I decided to let myself think it for a day. So yesterday morning I received the encouragement as a personal gift. May I say it felt good. The ultimate in a head massage, and yes the smell of it was wonderful.

It gave me the chance to relive something that I think was intended as sweet and is sweet, and well written too, since I think half the fandom felt like I did and thought he was talking to them personally. LOL!

Dear Richard,

Thanks again for your comforting words. They were a bit of a balm — when I let myself fully receive them without any qualms that it’s insane to see it as personal. I accepted your encouragement as from another human being. Maybe not someone I know, but someone who seems to be sweethearted, and I really do appreciate that about you. Does it mean you can never be harsh or irritated about something? No, I’d say that makes you human. And that’s okay.

And even though I’ve couched this message in some fun, and I’m putting the fake fan letter tag on this post, I mean this sincerely. Thank you.

Stuart Smalley A crazy fan who hopefully will have a better 2014 than 2013, and I fully expect to see heaven.

P.S. Oh, and if I ever do make it back to a fan event, I want you to know you will be able to spot me easily as I’ll be wearing this:

Catch you later.

Will someone please, please buy me that hat?! Found here.

Richard Armitage on Politics and What Does It Mean?

No, not that Richard Armitage but our Richard Armitage.

Oh, I can feel the ripples rippling. :D

I just came home from being out most of the day and received a bunch of emails asking if I had read his interview in New York Moves and what I think of it. I hadn’t read it but went over to look at it and have just now finished.

It doesn’t matter what I think of it in terms of his political views, and I find myself fairly apathetic about what he thinks politically. Much of that is predicated on my becoming more and more apolitical as the years pass. I’ve had several come to Jesus moments which have brought home to my thinking someone who believes Christ is real and His ministry is real and reflected in scripture, is not to be about politics. I’ve said for years that one of the biggest mistakes Christians in America have made was forming political coalitions. All of these realizations have nothing to do with the Constitution and everything to do with Christ’s example.

For the record, I’m not part of any political party or movement and that’s been the case for quite a few years. I do have opinions about political issues from time to time, but if I were to give the definition of my political views, they are pretty much libertarian.

I do have an opinion about Richard Armitage getting political. It sends the message he must be feeling comfortable in his success. When someone makes definitive political statements to the point of criticizing a significant portion of potential movie goers, then it means they are feeling it’s not necessary to have those people patronize their movies. Certainly, there are movie goers who can put aside an actor’s politics, but it’s pretty bold for an actor to count on that happening in great numbers unless they are feeling financially insulated from a negative reaction. So yeah, this says more than anything else Richard has said or done that his pocketbook is doing pretty well.

Other than all of that, I hate the potential for his statements to polarize fans, the potential to create an us and them mentality. In other words there will be some fans who more or less think, “We’re the fans who are cool and agree with Richard, and the rest of you are just not quite with it and don’t see things the right way.” This would be true no matter what political views Richard expressed. Such is the problem with doing this.

My unvarnished thoughts about the interview:

1st thought — Richard was passionate about his beliefs, spoke them and damn the consequences — movie goers or no, good paycheck or no.

2nd thought — a small time fashion reporter in NY is giddy at what she’s achieved when really, Richard’s publicist was on vacation.

3rd thought — He was drunk. LOL!


I still love you and hope you don’t take me or yourself so seriously.

Your crazy fan

P.S. I hope you can say something in future to ensure the fans lighten up.

note: at the time this piece is being published, I have not read any of the fan responses. I have only received email from some fans urging me to read the piece and give an opinion. It will be interesting to see what has happened and will happen.

Richard has struck again

It seems our friend Todd Garner has been hit by the Armitage Effect. ;-)


What I want to know is whether Richard also subdues the Black Sky and Sarah Wayne Callies while he’s at it.

Aside: do you see how there is absolutely no need for Richard Armitage to be on Twitter? He’s put the whammy on all of us (I’m not complaining). Meanwhile, I would bet he’s dreaming somewhere.

Clever :D

Wait! a pic courtesy of Todd Garner. Thank you, Todd.



I really do think you’re clever, and Todd Garner is no slouch himself.

Looking forward to this movie.

One of your crazy fans

I can’t stand it. I had to blow it up:


I never had a teacher who looked like that. No dreamboats at my high school. Yeah, it was dull.

And yeah, I need a slap. It’s late where I am, and I’ll probably regret this post in the morning, but for now, damn! this is fun. Definitely beats the hell out of what I’ve been doing the last few months.

The Other Shoe Drops Tomorrow

More on Richard III tomorrow from our guy Richard Armitage, and who knows what else he will say that may have the ripples rippling.

If you want to hear it live and you’re not in the UK, you can. It is only British TV that is not accessible through conventional internet means. Radio is completely accessible. Go to the BBC Leicester Radio page Jim has linked in his tweet when it’s time for broadcast.

And the British are doing those of us in the U.S. a favor on the broadcast time. It is before most of us go to work. Not that any of you would listen while you’re on the job. ;-)

When to listen in your time zone:

Eastern Time: 7:10am
Central Time: 6:10am
Mountain Time: 5:10am
Pacific Time: 4:10am

Okay, I can hear you out in LA saying, “4:10am? WTH?!”

Look at those eyes:


Yeah, you can get up at 4am for Jim as well as Rich. :D

But if you decide to miss all of this, the BBC is great about keeping a short term archive of shows. Go to the Jim Davis’ programme page on the BBC Leicester Radio site to find past episodes.

Other helps for listening to BBC Radio broadcasts, and of course RichardArmitageNet and RichardArmitageCentral will probably upload the broadcast as well.

Drawing Conclusions

No, this post isn’t what you think it is. I’m taking a breather for a couple of hours because my brain is on overload. Again, this is not what you think. My brain is not having a meltdown due to the monsoon of Richard Armitage information yesterday. Oh, perhaps I could have a meltdown over that, but well, I’m not. I’ve been expecting that flood. I thought it would come more near the first of November, but what do I know?! LOL!

So here’s what this post is really about. I’ve been coming to the conclusion for a good while that there is entirely too much to write about. I can’t get to all of it. When I started this blog, I was wondering if I would be able to crank out enough writing. Now? I’ve branched into others things and can’t seem to stop! It’s stunning to me what I’ve been doing the last few years. Me, the person who swore up and down I would never write anything unless I was forced to do it, writing and writing and writing and getting high on that! One of these days, I may post a story I’ve written. That will be another major step for me. Phew! I want to laugh that I am actually writing ficiton and enjoying it. Who woulda thunk?

If you’re thinking about writing, but you think it’s too late for you or you’re not a writer because you have this lofty and dare I say ridiculous standard of what a writer is supposed to be, let it go and start writing! You’ve heard people say this, and I’m joining the chorus. Don’t wait. Don’t leave writing to those individuals who supposedly have some gift that’s been granted to a chosen few. That’s all bull. You’ve got something to say. So say it. It may not come out exactly how you want it when you begin. Keep at it!

Not sure how to start? Well, you could write a journal. Or maybe you did that, and now it’s gotten old ’cause you need input. Maybe you can start a blog and if you’re really concerned about looking like a fool, make yourself anonymous. There’s an idea. :D

Yeah, this is getting the Richard Armitage tag ’cause Richard has been a kind of impetus, and I don’t mean of the sexual kind but of something much greater. Thank you, Rich.

© Photograph by Martin Bangemann

A Prelude to ‘The Hobbit’ Deluge or What to Immerse Yourself in First?

note: if all that we’ve been getting on Richard Armitage and The Hobbit this month is any indication, we’re going to drown in November, and what a lovely way to go.

Of course the Empire Magazine article is the first thing to bask in!

But after you’re done with that, where do you go?

Yeah, I have a suggestion. :D

I really enjoyed this interview:

Interview: Richard Armitage Talks “The Hobbit”
By Garth Franklin

With the release of the first “Hobbit” film, Hollywood is finally set to showcase a man that fans of British television have known about for years – Richard Armitage. In fact, the distinguished 41-year-old English thespian has already unwittingly assembled his own rabid fan base of swooning admirers affectionately nicknamed ‘The Armitage Army’.

It’s not hard to see why – with sharp features, a great head of hair, icy blue eyes and other impressive assets, he looks very much a star. He first came to attention with his leading role in the BBC’s 2004 version of “North and South”. He also played Macduff to James McAvoy’s Macbeth in the “ShakespeaRe-Told” limited series, and showed off a warmer side romancing Dawn French in the final episodes of beloved sitcom “The Vicar of Dibley”.

I became aware of Armitage for his leather-clad role of Guy of Gisborne in the BBC’s “Robin Hood,” from which he segued into the role of Lucas North on one of my favorite shows “Spooks” (aka. “MI-5”). Decked out in tattoos (as pictured below) to showcase his character’s seven years imprisoned in a Russian gulag, Armitage was a major cast member from the seventh to the ninth season of the long-running spy thriller. Demonstrating his best James Bond/Jack Bauer style skills before departing in dramatic fashion, he also slipped in a quick cameo on last year’s “Captain America: The First Avenger”.


His early apprehension stuck with him during the first month of filming, the actor claiming “I didn’t really unpack my bag for about three weeks, ’cause I thought that I was going to be on the plane going home. But yeah, it’s worked out all right.” He also channeled that nervousness into his performance – “Bag End was the first week of shooting for this character, for me and for the other dwarves as well, and it feels so different. But it was good that it felt awkward. It felt like they were out of place because they are in that environment. Dwarves don’t belong in a cozy, domestic situation. They belong in giant halls and on a battlefield.”

Read the rest here

The comments in this interview are what I absolutely love about Richard Armitage.

When you’re done with that, look at Ali’s list of articles for today (October 25). Wow. Wow. Wow. I am so diggin’ this.