Timeout for Scotland

1000px-Flag_of_Scotland.svgSo what will it be? Will the Scottish go it on their own or stay in the fold? I’ve heard some compelling evidence for both ways. My gut says they will not leave the fold as much as they would like to be a people unto themselves. My gut also says that no matter what happens today, the Scottish people will retain their independent spirit making this fight far from over.

And it doesn’t take much to say this when considering their history. They have managed to keep their identity as a people despite the English subduing them with great force, and if I were really honest, I would say underhanded force at times. It’s hard to conclude much else when I think of such events as the Massacre at Glencoe, etc. But I digress.

Whatever happens today, I adore Scotland and the Scottish people and hope only the very best for them.

Note: sorry for my spelling of independence in tags. It was before my morning caffeine fix. ;p

Timeout for a Timeout

OnLocation-UrbanAtShedCrewtwitter-08Apr14Have you ever been so tired at the end of the day you didn’t care if you ate or bathed? You were like a homing pigeon focused on making it to a certain place, and that would be the bed? And you had to be focused ’cause you were so whipped that any distraction would have completely taken you off task?

Yeah, I know some of you have been that tired, and tonight I’m so there. My whole goal in the next half hour is to make it to bed. A few minutes ago the doorbell rang, and of course no one else is home to answer it. I flirted with the idea of ignoring it and proceeding onto my bedroom, but I felt bad about doing that and decided to see who it was. I’m so glad I didn’t blow it off, ’cause I opened the front door and lo and behold it was my ass finally getting home.

I really am tired tonight. It’s a good tired but a very real tired, so any speculation about Richard Armitage’s future plans will have to wait until tomorrow — at least for me.

And hey, we may hear something between now and then, and a very good chance it will be by the end of this month.


I hope you’re taking a timeout too after that hellacious schedule for The Crucible.

I would write more, but man, my brain hasn’t gotten home yet. I hope it shows up before morning.

A crazy…oh to hell with it; I’m to bed.

I hope one of you will wake me if something really interesting happens. :D

Timeout for Robin Williams

Man, I am sad. I just read a report that Robin Williams is dead and the cause may be suicide. That is a sucker punch.

I feel for and will pray for his family but shaking my head right now.

This is how I will remember him — with his twinkling eyes:


The Content of Their Character

unnamedMartin Luther King certainly had a worthy dream. The dream borne of embracing the plan God has for mankind. Freedom to be loving and at peace. In my lifetime, I doubt I’m ever going to witness this as the norm, but there is always hope, and that’s built on the assurance that one day it will be seen.

For now I take it where I can find it, and one notable place is online where most of you have no skin color or any other physical attributes. Part of me does love it when you reveal who you are or where you come from. But another part of me loves not knowing your age, your weight, your race, blah, blah, blah, because it allows me to focus solely on your words. And your words usually reveal more about who you are than your outer shell, and it’s who you really are and what your character may be that is most important to me.

note: I noticed as I was posting this piece that Perry has a post linking to a video of the speech.

Graphic by Ray Ferrer at UrbanWallArt

A Flower for Anna

The Queen is planting petunias in her yard in memory of Anna. What a perfectly lovely idea and especially since Anna was very much a lover of flowers and a gardener. In fact, she was interviewed about Middle-Earth flora for the GardenMaine site.

I perused the site for something from New Zealand that I could grow since some of the areas in Colorado are similar. But I have a black thumb and was skittish about planting anything that an idiot couldn’t maintain. I thought perhaps begonias since that had been one of Anna’s Twitter avatars, and thankfully, Janine, prolific writer and gardener and owner of GardenMaine, says begonias are “actually super easy. They don’t require much care, thrive in indirect light and just need to be watered when soil is slightly dried out.” More about them here.


Janine’s site is a wealth of information, and she is happy to help anyone who is not sure what to plant or how to maintain a plant. Thank you, Janine!

Timeout for a Friend


I’m somewhat gutted. I just received news that a friend passed away. She was a sweet, articulate person, and these are some of her last words to me and heavily edited for obvious reasons, but I wanted to share them because she had her life and this Richard Armitage thing in perspective:

Dear Lisa,

Thank you so much for your blog. I’ve got lots I want to say to you, but for now this will do.


The Richard Armitage thing was and is the part of me that isn’t the responsible, brave, hard working me. It’s the girlish me that’s still there, that loves silliness and sexiness and lovely men.



I think she would have been fine with this portion of the letter being posted. She’s at rest now but will be sorely missed. And may all of us retain our inner girl!

I will keep her family in my prayers.

A Timeout for Frenz

I cannot believe I’m referring to myself in third person again. If SO saw this, he would have a field day with it. I can hear it now, “What are you Elmo or Jimmy or something?”

Okay, the point — I turned off my phone for a few days, and I haven’t been on the Net, much. All of this was at the request of SO, who said, “Do you think you could navigate without that for a day or two?” Then he grinned. How could I resist?

And you know that old saying about familiarity breeding contempt, so I think staying away from Richard Armitage pics and video for a few days was a good thing and apparently didn’t put a damper on my ardor.

Back to the point. This is my long way of saying, please forgive me for not replying to email and messages. I have not been ignoring you — no one specific anyway. I just needed a break. But I’m back now, so give me some time to get caught up.

Thanks for being patient!

Hmmm. This needs a picture. But what would fit? Not sure. While I’m typing this sentence, I’m letting my mind wander. Got it.


Yes, I’m telling the truth, Rich. And I feel so good now that I realize I CAN survive several days without my phone and very little Internet. I know you like your phone, and oh yeah, your iPad, but you might give this a try sometime. :D

Note: this is a photo I haven’t been inclined to use because he looks so much like my dad in this one. Yeah, I can see my dad’s scolding look, and it looked just like that.

edit: When I got back on Twitter last night, I saw a blog piece by MicheleR with an update about Inspector Lynley. LOL! If you’ve never seen the show, go check out her blog.

Screencap courtesy of RichardArmitageNet.com

“Merry Christmas”

Last night I went to a Christmas Eve service at the church house, and it was one of the best I’ve ever attended. It wasn’t that there was beautiful pomp to embrace. There was no pomp. It was people coming through the doors as themselves and feeling they were meeting friends because they were! Oh, it was a motley crew to be sure, but all the more special because of it. God doesn’t make cookie cutters.

When I was a kid, I had visions of church being like this and especially a place where the brokenhearted could come and know there was peace, joy and love because God was there. I saw it last night in a way that made even my dreams pale.

All of this has me wondering once again what others think about the phrase “Merry Christmas.” Of course it can mean the fun of the holiday, or the kindness that’s often shown in lavish amounts more than the rest of the year, or it’s an amenity. But too often it’s associated with something stilted and dare I say, religious. I heard Richard Armitage say he’s not religious. I’m not either, and I mean that in the sense I rarely feel compelled to observe rituals in my relationship with the Lord. His magnificence is simply there and He’s not going away. Hallelujah! It makes me want to share it and say Merry Christmas everyday!

If you have trouble watching this video from my site, click on the YouTube icon in the lower right corner to watch it on YT.

NOTE: for some reason unknown to me, the singer of this song followed me on Twitter this week. Maybe she’s a Richard Armitage fan. Whatever the case, I chuckled when I saw her twitter come up. Maybe she’ll figure out what a crazy place this is and quit following me (may have already), but I’m glad she’s done it long enough to remind me of the greatest gift I’ve received or ever will.

Newtown, Connecticut

I have nothing eloquent to say about the tragedy in Newtown, Connecticut. It has left me almost speechless, and frankly, I don’t really want to address it fully in such a frivolous place as this blog. To do so seems dishonorable. But I had to say something to express my extreme sorrow.

Cars Floating Down Wall Street or Timeout for Sandy

If you live in North America and weren’t under a rock somewhere, you knew Hurricane Sandy was coming. It’s now come, and the full brunt of its aftermath has yet to be determined. Surfing the Net is not a good way to get some idea and especially a bad idea if you have two precious considerations smack dab in the middle of the thing. If I had a nickle for the pictures I’ve seen that have put me in panic mode, I could buy a nice dinner. Even the ‘fake but awesome’ pics couldn’t lighten my mood:

A few news entities have taken it on themselves to verify what was real. Check out The Atlantic’s coverage of the real and fake photos from Sandy.

Thankfully, SO and I have just finished Skyping with the ‘considerations.’ They told us about cars floating down Wall Street, that they themselves are fine, are actually in a good part of Manhattan, and do not need to go anywhere today. I hope they stay in that apartment! SO told them he was much more concerned about the freaky things people do in these situations than about the elements. And I heartily agree. But he and I also know that they are too much like us, and it would be completely in character for them to go out and check the scene and see what they can do to help. Argh! Yeah, I think I really did just say argh.

My thoughts and prayers go out to those who are in a bad place with this storm, and hopefully, there will be aid coming soon. I will update this post with information about where those who are inclined can help out.

One last thing. Thank you to those of you who live in the NYC area and offered to lend assistance to my girls. You will never know how much that means to me and my husband!