The Adventures of Twitter Listing

Don’t say that title several times quickly. Phew!


It’s been awhile since I’ve done a public service post about the art of Richard Armitage watching and in particular navigating RA Universe on Twitter. This one is because some of you have been wondering how you can follow a Twitter account and your follow is invisible. Oh, you’re not wondering that? I guess this post is for those who are. :D And, I also realize there are many of you who already know how to do this. Obviously, this post is not for you either, but if you have something to add, please do.

On my RAFrenzy account I have a list called RAProjects, and on that list I have people and entities who are involved with Richard Armitage or are potentially involved with him. It’s a fascinating list but private ’cause well, I’m not sure if it’s fun to reveal or say everything you know as soon as you know it.

But enough about that.

Before I begin, please note that all screencaps can be enlarged by clicking them.

Listing someone in native Twitter on desktop (as opposed to using a Twitter client such as Hootsuite):

twitter listing 1
Click on the cog next to the follow button, and then you’ll see that drop down menu where you select ‘Add or remove from lists.’

Next you will see a screen something like this:

twitter listing 2

Next you will see a screen like this:

twitter listing 3

Be sure to click on ‘Private’ before you save it.

Here it is in the iOS app:


Once you click on ‘Add/remove from lists,’ you will see this screen where you merely click on the list you want and hit ‘Done’:


If you don’t have a list made, then you can do so this way:


When you select ‘Lists’, you will see this screen where you click on the plus to add a list:


Be sure to turn on ‘Private’ before you click ‘Save’:


For android users, it’s similar, but here are some instructions if you’re not comfortable.

FYI: my most fascinating list is one that is not even related to Richard Armitage. It’s prosaically named ‘Interesting,’ and I have had more fun and pleasure from that list than anything I’ve done on Twitter. Made some friends from it as well, and they eventually became
mutual follows. I think almost none of them knew who Richard Armitage was. But they do now. LOL!

Yes, you can bet your sweet ass that Richard Armitage has some accounts privately listed, and if he doesn’t:


If you aren’t using private lists, you should be.

That is all.

A crazy fan

Screencaps courtesy of my 14 year old who can wield a mean photo editor. :D

Know Surprises

Richard Armitage with bedroom eyesNow that we’re reasonably sure Richard Armitage will be starring in The Old Vic’s version of The Crucible, this probably means no RA at Comic-Con in San Diego. Yep, I’m thinking that may be what it means. Unless he got two days off to make a jaunt across the pond. If he does come to the Con, he probably won’t be there on Saturday but rather Thursday, since Saturdays are big days in the theater. Or am I wrong about this?

Yeah, I think the group in London will try to accommodate a trip to Cali — at least mid-week so he can promote Into the Storm. Unless his last minute appearance at Cinema-Con in Las Vegas was a trade-off for not appearing in San Diego.

Then again, I could be so out in left field, because last time I checked, Peter Jackson is no pushover, and he’s not going to have a skeleton crew at Comic-Con and certainly not doing his thing on Thursday. It will be Saturday for PJ and company, and not to mention that Richard Armitage seems to be the point man for pushing The Hobbit. But maybe that was also a trade-off, so that Richard is getting it out of the way and will be free all summer. I kind of doubt that.

Or maybe it’s either/or. He gets to be there on Thursday or Saturday but not both. Or maybe both PJ and Todd have their promotions running on Saturday. I’m so confused.

My gut: if he made an agreement with Peter Jackson to be there for The Hobbit, he will be. How can I say that? Hmm, Peter Jackson, the West End, Peter Jackson, the West End. Uh yeah, it’s Peter Jackson. Whether fair or not, that’s probably reality.

Whatever happens, it’s probably not a good idea for fans to buy tickets to The Crucible from July 23-28.* Can you imagine how pissed off you would be if you did and he was an ocean away? Yeah, consider this post a public service.

Other than that, the photo above is an interesting pick for The Mail. Is he a deer caught in the glare of the paparazzi or are those the bedroom eyes that get John Proctor and the rest of Salem in trouble? ;-)

And a thank you to Baz Bamigboye for the latest ripple effect. Now if he could just put his ear to the ground and answer my musing…

edit: it just occurred to me I may have made an error in this piece because The Old Vic is not technically in the West End. It’s not even in the area known as Theatreland. I’m doing this entirely from memory, so if anyone knows, educate me please. I don’t have time to look it up! :)

* those blackout dates are subject to change based on the confirmed news we hear; however, it’s good to keep in mind that the Into the Storm premiere will be coming up not long after Comic-con. The world premiere will be less than two weeks after Comic-Con ends.

A Sweet Clip for Capping from The Desolation of Smaug Premiere

A raw clip of Richard Armitage’s interview at the premiere:

Dear Richard,

I do not know why I’m still doing this. I guess it’s still fun. LOL! Yes, I’m really laughing — at myself most of all.

A crazy fan

A tip: put the video in full-screen mode and then select HD, or better yet, select Share and then download it. Please note the Share option is not visible until the video is in play.

edit: I’ll be back with a better clip shortly.

A little better video without glitching:

There’s a Line

I was just on Twitter and saw this:

and I wanted to shout: yes! but there’s a line. :D

For those who are new to Richard Armitage, I’m going to be disappointed if you don’t have a crush because it means something is wrong with you!

If you don’t know where to go to find more about him, there is some info here.

Who Wants to Go to Comic Con 2012?

Are you a Richard Armitage fan who didn’t buy tickets to this year’s event? And you also missed the deadline for the professional passes? Never fear. There might be a way to get in. If you have any reporting background or even a writing background, you might be able to work for these guys.

If I were applying, I would make sure they knew of all the town council meetings where I questioned a panel and then reported on it later. :D I would also make sure they knew I LOVE comic books. *Looks up at heaven to make sure there is no bolt of lightening.* Okay, okay, I’ve bought some comic books — in the last 40 years.

Speaking of which, I’d still like to see RA in a get up like this.


It’s been brought to my attention the positions are now filled at CBR. If you got in, good for you. If you didn’t, there’s always next year.

A Date with John Thornton

If you call yourself a Richard Armitage fan but haven’t seen ‘North and South,’ you don’t really get the euphoria. Do yourself a favor and come on the group date tonight — a ‘North and South’ watch along with a tweetfest. ‘Cause anything this good just has to be talked about. :D

For those who haven’t seen anything with Richard Armitage, this is the show to watch.

You can thank Stacie and Fanny for this effort, and Heidi for her cheerleading. And there will be more “dates” like this with other Armitage characters.

As for the rest of us who have seen ‘North and South,’ maybe you need a new fix like I do! I’m so in need of a fix.

After it’s over, I intend to publish the second half of my piece about the TDHCMO, which will make it obvious why it took me so long.

Until then, see you tonight and don’t forget the cake!

GIF by magwi68

Finally, Something Good about Internet Explorer

With the recent campaign for IE 9 on YouTube and elsewhere, I found myself continually hitting “skip ad” until my twelve year old said, “Mom, have you heard the Internet Explorer song?” I said, “No, and I don’t really want to.” She said, “Oh, you’re wrong. You’re gonna love it. Listen!”

As it played, I looked at her and she started laughing, “Yeah, it’s good,” and before I could load up Soundhound to find out who it was, she added, “Here’s the whole song!”

A great live version if you’re so inclined.

My first thought on watching that was how much he reminded me of Adele (even down to the style of the video which was reminiscent of “Rolling in the Deep”), and of course how they both sounded like Amy Winehouse. My second thought was why had I never heard of Alex Clare? Then I read this, and it made total sense.


A great Etta James cover:

You can hear all of Alex Clare’s current tracks on his SoundCloud account.

As for IE9, it’s still a no. I checked it out last year, and it was not a good fit for my system running 64-bit. If you’re curious about it, this is a good write-up.

Oh yeah, this gets the Richard Armitage tag. :D

And I put the public service tag on this one because some of you have never heard of Soundhound nor Soundcloud. Both are great resources for music lovers.

The Hobbit Audio Book II

I’ve been thinking Harper Collins is “the powers that be.”  This was my thought yesterday before posting, but I wanted to cover all the bases.  Given the fact they’ve acquired the book rights, I can’t imagine they neglected to obtain rights to the audio book.

April 14, 2011

Attn: Audio Book Procurers
Harper Collins Publishing

Re: The reading of The Hobbit for release in conjunction with ‘The Hobbit’ movies

Dear Sirs or Madams:

Since my last letter to you, I realized I may have been unfair in assuming your interests are purely pecuniary. So I come with an appeal to your humanitarian inclinations, your desire for the greater good.  The beauty of this proposal is it will not only create goodwill of the humanitarian kind, but it will make some so lighthearted and free that their purse strings will be opened wide — among other things.

Do you know what happens to women when Richard Armitage speaks? I will be happy to educate. He’s been known to make them write verse and fantasies, draw and paint pictures, create masterful videos, obviously take up blogging, but most notable has been his ability to make ovaries explode.  Hopefully, I don’t need to put a fine point on that. Suffice to say he puts women in a good mood, and in case it’s not clear by my presence here, he is an addiction and we must get our fix. Yes, I admit that’s what this letter is really about.   We need our fix and would love it if The Hobbit were available to help. Just think what this would do for the greater good to have that many smiling women.

In the meantime, I will be happy to send you samples of Richard’s work. This would be for the Madams since it would probably be lost on you Sirs.

Thank you for considering, and I am sure all of the significant others would thank you as well.

One of Richard’s fans who hopes you realize I’m teasing — unless you’re seriously considering!

P.S. Pssst, if you are already locked into someone else reading, could you get Richard for something else?  We just want to hear him read.  May I suggest this book which is in the public domain.


Peter Jackson
United Agents
The Addict List

This one gets the public service tag.

Establishing an Identity on the Web — Part 1

February 29, 2012

Do you comment regularly and/or have a blog, then Gravatar is a good way to give yourself an identity that’s recognized across multiple websites. It is not the only tool that does this. There are some others with MyOpenId being most notable. However, Gravatar is one of the easiest to use. But it’s no good if you don’t put a little something about yourself or your blog or your Twitter id or Facebook, or wherever it is you would like people to go to connect with you.

A vent: I get frustrated when I click on a Gravatar, and there is nothing there but a picture. Please tell about yourself. I know some of you feel funny doing that, as if it’s some sort of flag waving, but it’s not. It helps those of us who would like to connect with you do so more easily.

Thanks for listening! :D

Reblog of 365 Trinkets

Okay, I lied. I’ve got one more thing this evening, and then I’m off to bed. No, we didn’t finish ‘North and South.’ One more episode to go.

I come with this because it’s a wonderful blog, and I really don’t like to throw around words like ‘wonderful’ and only use them when something really just grabs me, and well, I think it’s wonderful.

Tonight’s post from 365 Trinkets:

When our art teachers told us to make something, we said, “Gimme one good reason why I should.” When they told us we had to simply because they told us to, we said, “Whatever, then I’m not doing it.” Then, when they told us that Mother’s Day was coming up and that we should at least make something for our moms, we said, “Yeah, okay, fine–but what do I make?” Man, teachers don’t get paid enough, but when I was 15 and said this to my art teacher, she told me to make this plant pot, and I’m glad she did because it offered me a chance to be misunderstood.

That is in fact a bee you see on the side of this pot and not a caterpillar, as my mother mistakenly assumed. “Oh, and look at the cute caterpillar on here,” she said.

Read the rest here

And this is someone who is not blogging everyday, but do I care? Heck no! I just look forward to whenever he decides to post, and I think you will too if you haven’t already read that piece. You can thank me later for turning you onto this blog. :D And for not using the WordPress reblog function. LOL!

Good evening.