Has Netflix Renewed Their Contract with BBC?

North and South NetflixAccording to a commenter, JustLuthen, it’s a done deal:

“I just spoke with Netflix. It has renewed its contract with the BBC and RA’s not going anywhere.”

Thanks, Luthen. It’s a great message on a Monday morning, and my optimist is clinging onto it. Not because I need to watch the Netflix version of North and South, or MI-5 (Spooks) or Robin Hood, but because it’s such an easy way to turn potential fans onto Richard Armitage.

Maybe some of the rest of you can also call to ensure that Netflix means what they say! :D

edit: Spooks is not staying. Bummer.

What Variety should have said about the shows not staying:

Fans should ‘plain that “Fawlty Towers,” “Blackadder,” “MI-5″ and “Red Dwarf” will no longer be available on Feb. 1.


The Day is Far From Done

I got a ginormous curve ball today, and I’m in the middle of grappling with it. But I will be back in RA Universe later today (at least today by American time). Wow, spell check thinks ginormous is a word; imagine that. Here I thought it was slang. Sorry to digress, and I really can’t type much longer as I’m off to finish something vital, Afterwards, I’ll be back to talk North and South.

For now, one of my favorite screencaps from that series:


Yeah, that’s right, we’re going to talk about you, Rich, and probably a few others.

I also have to start pumping out my dwarf posts. Had to get my head out of the premiere debacle and back on the fun. I’ve done that now, so look for more on that.

A Momentous Date

November 14th is fast approaching, and it’s a date that holds a great deal of meaning for me. First and foremost and way more important than any other event on that day, at least as far as I’m concerned, is that I gave birth to a beautiful baby girl about 3:00 in the morning and became a mother for the first time. It was after 23 hours of labor, and no, I’m not going to tell the rest of my labor story. Yes, I have a labor story. Almost every woman who has given birth has a labor story, but again, I’m not going to say anymore about that except to say it was possibly the most momentous occasion of my life and of SO‘s life too. To watch a human being coming into the world? I can’t describe it. So I won’t. You had to be there. And this year I wish I could be with that beautiful girl on her birthday, but that won’t happen except via FaceTime.

Enough about that, since I realize this is two posts on my kids in a little more than a week, and I’m not here to talk about my kids although I’ve given into temptation to do just that on more than one occasion. I can’t help it. They’re great, and I don’t care how that sounds. Love them and can’t say enough good about them.

Okay, I think I got that out of my system although I now have tears in my eyes.

*wiping the tears away long enough to finish this post*

As some of you may know, November 14th is also Prince Charles’s birthday.

Here are a few other notable events that occurred on November 14th:

1666 – Samuel Pepys reports on 1st blood transfusion (between dogs)

1732 – The first US professional librarian, Louis Timothee, hired in Philadelphia

1840 – Claude Monet, the painter, is born in Paris

1900 – Aaron Copeland, the composer, is born in Brooklyn

1908 – Albert Einstein presents his quantum theory of light

1994 – 1st trains for public run in Channel Tunnel under English Channel

2004 – North and South is first broadcast by the BBC

All of these are somehow tied together in my mind.

More on this as the date gets closer. :D

A little something while we’re waiting:

Sometime I need to write a post about picking these tunes out on the piano. One of the greatest pleasures I’ve ever had in picking out pieces.

Oh heck, something from one of my favorite composers and a piece befitting John Thornton and how his character has made it to so many shores:

Now that I’ve gotten some corny thoughts out, maybe I can return to the snark.

Damn That Richard Armitage

Of course I don’t mean that the way it sounds, but sometimes I do. I’m actually thinking of going to New York. In my defense, I have a frequent flyer that I’m going to lose if I don’t use it, and I have two places I can stay. No, make that three, and I have an old friend who owes me an expensive dinner (maybe three or four cheap dinners instead?), and last but not least my two very compelling reasons are there. So yeah, I think that sounds good. Maybe. Still not sure about that.

As if that’s not enough, I recently bought another copy of The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey. It was the hard copy of the Extended Edition. That makes four different formats I will own. Not kidding when I say that I have never bought four copies of a movie. Wait. That’s a lie. I’ve bought six copies of a movie. Want to guess which one? Yeah, I didn’t think you would have trouble with that. But I must say that three of those were gifts. Wait. No, I’ve actually bought more than six. I bought, dare I say it? I’m not sure that I can. This is tough to write as it really does make me a nut! But I’ll confess to having bought almost 20 copies of North and South.

I feel like an utter idiot if I really step back and think about that. Again, in my defense, I found a really good sale. Then I decided to send several copies to a list of folk I do not know along with letters that were hopefully humorous but sans the fruitcake. We’ll see how that turns out. ;-)

I told the addressees that Richard is something else and not to be put off by the pitiful looking photo on the DVD jacket, and I slipped in a secret weapon to ensure they knew I wasn’t exaggerating.

And if they don’t agree that it’s a secret weapon, then Richard’s not for them anyway. :D

note: if you want more scenes like those, then go buy The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey Extended Edition on iTunes. You may have to wait a freaking day to download it, but hey, it’s worth it. I even took down my firewall for this one.


See what you can even manage to leverage out of a cheap skate?

Oh never mind, you already know I’m crazy

Check Out the Dish

If you’re a Dish Network subscriber in the U.S. and a Richard Armitage fan, and you still haven’t bought North and South on DVD, then you’re in luck. This Sunday night, it’s playing (all four parts) on the Inspiration Channel. And maybe this will be available via other cable/satellite providers. I really wouldn’t know since I haven’t watched cable/satellite tv in years. Anyone wants to chime in with what they know, go for it.

For those of you thinking to pass it up and just watch on YouTube ’cause it’s still there and you really don’t need to buy the DVD, the Lindmas channel that hosted it for a few years has been terminated, and the one that has the four full episodes is probably not too far behind.

A little teaser:

Starts at 8pm Eastern Daylight Time according to the INSP schedule.

And a must:

Dear PBS,

What is your problem? Seriously.

I think that about says it all.

One of Richard’s fans who has supported you unfailingly for years. How about a little give on this RA thing, please.

P.S. In case you don’t know what I’m talking about, check it out here.

Man, if the phrase ‘fake fan letter’ was ever appropriate, it is on this letter. :D

edit: LOL! I left out ‘fan’ in the first sentence, but I imagine most of you supplied the word.

They Don’t Have a Clue – Spoilers

Spoilers for North and South, but honestly, you can handle this if you haven’t seen it. The clip should make you want to watch the whole thing! Also spoilers for some other movies if you look at the link.

I was just looking at MTV’s new poll, and part of it is for best onscreen kiss. I watched the videos, and it was so unsatisfying. MTV doesn’t get it, and I mean no offense to any of the actors involved, but after you’ve seen this below, you’re ruined for other onscreen kisses. No one does it better than Richard Armitage. Don’t believe me? Watch if you dare:

This was the first clip I ever saw which had Richard Armitage speaking. It was a spoiler that spoiled in the best way possible. Proving I’m not totally down on spoilers.

Actually, Darcywil’s clip was the first one I saw, but it’s edited, and I kind of like Henry’s mug in there :D

What Just Happened?


Janine‘s account of Richard Armitage hitting her world:

Sometimes life hands you something you didn’t know you needed.

Or even were looking for.

Richard Armitage. It is a name that a year ago I would have said, “Who, the politician guy?” and Googled him to check. The actor’s name would have meant nothing. Now? I do not know enough words to express all that I feel for the actor guy. I still would need to Google the politician.

What I have been pondering and mulling this past year is simple — and complicated. Why Richard? Why me? What just happened?

Mid-March of 2012 found me with the Netflix DVD of ‘North and South.’ It had been in my queue for probably two years, but I never made a move to watch it. While the story sounded slightly depressing, it was there because it was Elizabeth Gaskell. A drought in British period dramas brought it to my house. I hate to say that my viewing of this was with “the family.” That is never a good idea with period pieces, which do not hold the attention of a large portion of the inmates.

But I remember the first moment I saw Richard on screen. And while I know this is not true, there was complete silence, at least in my head.

I don’t remember coherent thoughts. It was more a wordless recognition. Just … there.


The voice hit me next. It was so much to process that it was only later when my head said, “Chocolate.” And for me, it wasn’t just any kind, but this particular mocha buttercream I make for the yule log each year: rich, a little sweet, smooth as silk.

Since the show was divided over two discs, I had to wait an entire week to get the second half.

I know.

By the time I got to the kiss to end all kisses in the history of romance, not to mention the future into all of eternity or any parallel universe, I was attempting to remain sensible. This was assisted by the presence of “the family.” After they toddled off to bed, I replayed that scene a shocking number of times.


Somehow I was able to stop myself, only to go to the DVD extras to watch the man who played John Thornton masterfully and with such nuance.

Awkward. Uncomfortable. Stumbling over his words a bit. This was the man who just made John Thornton tear a hole in the space-time continuum?

I found him endearing. Sincere. Real. And when he started to discuss the responsibility of playing his character, he said a few fateful words that stopped me short. He talked about his character living for 150 years on the page.

Ah. Imagination. Richard Armitage had imagination.

I am not sure how the craziness played out over the next few weeks. It is a bit of a blur. I decided to watch his work chronologically if I could find it. That meant “Robin Hood” was up next (what? a bad boy? conflicted? smirking?). I found myself overwhelmed by the sheer volume of content on the Internet: fan sites, blogs and everything in between. I darted about when I had time, hearing echoes of my own reactions wherever I went.

Did I say echoes? I meant the keening cry of a siren’s call. I was Odysseus floating on a sea called denial.

Around June I was starting to question my sanity. What was I doing? I felt an incredible need to watch this man work, crafting characters where Richard disappeared. He was a chameleon, shifting in and out of roles where he looked remarkably different from himself, and it wasn’t due to makeup or prosthetics.

Eclipsing that need, however, was a desire to understand his motivation. Almost daily I was looking up interviews, scattered at first, but then starting with the earliest and moving ahead, wanting to see how he grew and changed in those years between ‘North and South’ and now.

It was those interviews and commentaries — along with the letters to his fans — that brought me to the conclusion that this was a decent guy with a wicked sense of humor, a man who embodied a lot of my ideals. Much of the time, I felt as if he reflected me: staying in the background, giving praise but not comfortable getting it, working hard to do the job not just well but excellently, living honorably. The list only grew.

It all made me admire him more.

None of this happened in a vacuum. Life was swirling madly about just like always. Family was crazy, work actually went to an even crazier place in May, June and July, and I was working on my own web-based garden site that I launched in December 2011. There was a dog to keep entertained, a vegetable garden to tend, summer projects to start, friends to visit …. The list was always endless. The majority of my entertainment was watching shows with Richard in them.

In July I started to examine what I was doing. Why? That is forever the question I ask. Who, what, where, when and even the how are just facts. It’s the why that tells the story. Why Richard? Why me? Why all of this here and now and in such an intensity that, I now admit, frightened me?

I needed to write something. Anything. It took a form of a letter to Richard in my head. It morphed and changed. Edited, rewritten and edited again. Then Comic-Con happened. In nearly real time, I saw Richard giving interviews and being wholly charming. There was a twinkle in his eyes that his beard only emphasized. He was articulate and again earnest in his unmistakable love for what he was doing.

Warner Bros. Pictures And Legendary Pictures Preview - "The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey"  - Comic-Con International 2012

At that point, the urge to write was overwhelming. I write. It’s what I do. It’s the place where I can be honest to myself about everything. And why I was denying myself that was because it was important. I knew in my soul it was important. Either I couldn’t admit to the why or I didn’t know the answer myself yet.

Eleven days later, after a long day taking care of my grandmother who had cataract surgery early that morning, I wrote. Longhand. And wrote and wrote. Several hours later I had a letter to Richard. I tucked it away and actually believed that had done it, that I would wake up the next morning and be able to let this go.


It only intensified.

More tomorrow.

Screencaps courtesy of RichardArmitageNet

The Zeitgeist of Richard Armitage Universe


We are not all the same and of course how Richard Armitage has affected each of us is not going to always be similar. So this series of posts “Why Richard?” is not designed to speak to every reaction but to perhaps capture some of the spirit of the RA Universe.

Some have been able to easily sum up the effect of the experience. They just nail it for themselves without seeming to meander around in their heads in an attempt to cover every little aspect. That’s not to say one way is better than another. I like meandering, and I’m going to keep at it. But I do marvel that it took another fan just a few months or less to conclude what took me from the beginning of 2008 and through most of 2009 to even come close to verbalizing (more on this later).

Remarks from the aptly named Armitage Besotted:

It’s been five months and counting since I first stumbled upon “North & South” and began my personal Armitage mania. (Definition of mania, per freedictionary.com: An excessively intense enthusiasm, interest, or desire; a craze.)

Why Richard?

Because in North & South he makes manifest the hopelessly romantic (by today’s cynical standards) notion that someone could notice you, “discover” you, choose you and decide to love you just for who you are, without you “going after him” at all. You just go about your business, and a gorgeous hunk finds you. In an age of “hooking up” and trying to divine if someone’s interested or “just not that into you,” who could resist this delicious fantasy?


So it’s projection. Total projection.

And yet….

I find myself changing my behavior, thinking, “I could be a little more open, and maybe new, good things will come to me.” Or, “Instead of reading my book, I could strike up a conversation with the person next to me on the train about their book.” Or “Yessiree, I COULD post my thoughts on a blog, and see what kind of creative, funny new people I meet.”

Something that touches you enough to change your thoughts and behavior is called…art. And the person who creates art is…an artist. He’s an Artist, people. And he’s changing our lives.

I just love this write-up. It was like a breath of fresh air when I read it!

More coming up on people changing their thoughts and behaviors.

Screencap courtesy of RichardArmitageNet

Something Political

It’s never been my intent to get political on this blog, but I have to say something about politics. I feel myself on the verge of exploding if I don’t. So, here it is. There actually does come a time when I do not want to give my opinion. Hard to believe but it’s true. Or let me put it this way. Do you know what misery it is to live in a swing state? Pollsters drive you crazy! My phone’s ringer has to be turned off during the election season; otherwise, we would hear it going about every 15-20 minutes from early in the morning until late at night, and it happened again a few minutes ago when we were fool enough to turn on the ringer this evening. Sheesh! It was almost 10pm here. Give it a rest, people!

And if it’s not a pollster calling, it’s the candidate or their spouses with a nice canned message. Did I ever say I liked computers? These particular computers can go to hell.

Then there’s our front door, which is assaulted with all manner of door hangers, and I should probably be more kind about those since they’re much better than the strangers who ring our bell.

How much longer until November 6th?

Certainly enough time to watch North and South again.

Oh yeah, put a clipboard in his hand! I’d answer the door to that pollster. :D

There’s a Line

I was just on Twitter and saw this:

and I wanted to shout: yes! but there’s a line. :D

For those who are new to Richard Armitage, I’m going to be disappointed if you don’t have a crush because it means something is wrong with you!

If you don’t know where to go to find more about him, there is some info here.