Maybe I Missed Something?

I keep hearing how Richard Armitage went to Los Angeles to pitch an idea for Richard III. That was certainly floated as a possibility when he was on the plane to LA and missed the BBC Leicester Radio interview. But now it seems to have become fact. When did that happen? I’m honestly asking that. Is there some intel that someone has that verifies this indeed happened?

If not, it’s still just a bunch of speculation, and frankly, Richard Armitage and “his people” would be utter fools to talk about him doing this. So again, I’m wondering what’s up?

Yeah, Rich, you’re not stupid, so I don’t think you let this out of the bag if indeed there was a bag. Love the smile:

The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey - Portraits

I can’t help myself. This is such a fantastic photo. You all may get sick of it before I’m done. :D


It’s one thing for Philippa Langley to talk about Richard Armitage doing this, but it’s another to call that a fact. I do give her big time kudos for chuzpah, and I mean that in the very best way possible. Actually, I have a complimentary post on her which I wrote right after I watched the special and will post at some point soon, but it’s not for this blog. It’s a better fit elsewhere. At least how it’s written at the moment. Just know this: I like her!

But back to the subject at hand. Until Richard Armitage or someone who officially represents Richard Armitage or who is confirmed as working with him states that he went to LA to make a pitch, I can’t refer to that as a fact. Did it probably happen? Oh, I can certainly see that it may well have happened. No problem seeing that. It’s how I’m referring to it that’s a sticking point.

The Other Shoe

I hope you didn’t get up early to listen to the “full interview” with Richard Armitage on BBC Radio in Leicester. It was a case of canned fruit sold as fresh. And I fell for it. LOL! I really am laughing and glad I’m sitting behind this computer screen, so a few of you can’t whop me on the head for encouraging you to get up early.

For those who didn’t listen, I’ll make this short. Over half the interview was about RA’s experience making The Hobbit. It was a nice response, but there was nothing new in what he said. I mean nothing. Probably could have done that part of the interview in his sleep. :D The second half was about Richard III but almost identical to what was heard on Sunday except for one noteworthy comment which I’m sure we’ll all parse until there is nothing left of it. :D He said he had not been approached to be involved in a production about Richard III.

So there it is.

Oh, and Emily Anderson was able to fulfill her dream of speaking to Richard, and for that, I’m glad. Good on you, Emily. I really mean that! And don’t listen to my jaded self speaking above. I know entirely too much about Richard Armitage and have to remind myself the good people of Leicester are not quite so saturated with his info.

So yeah, there you have it.

And now I’m going back to sleep.

Wait! A picture, and what is fast becoming my favorite. I can’t remember if I’ve used this one before, but I give warning that I may use this one a lot.

The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey - Portraits

And now I really am going back to sleep.

The Other Shoe Drops Tomorrow

More on Richard III tomorrow from our guy Richard Armitage, and who knows what else he will say that may have the ripples rippling.

If you want to hear it live and you’re not in the UK, you can. It is only British TV that is not accessible through conventional internet means. Radio is completely accessible. Go to the BBC Leicester Radio page Jim has linked in his tweet when it’s time for broadcast.

And the British are doing those of us in the U.S. a favor on the broadcast time. It is before most of us go to work. Not that any of you would listen while you’re on the job. ;-)

When to listen in your time zone:

Eastern Time: 7:10am
Central Time: 6:10am
Mountain Time: 5:10am
Pacific Time: 4:10am

Okay, I can hear you out in LA saying, “4:10am? WTH?!”

Look at those eyes:


Yeah, you can get up at 4am for Jim as well as Rich. :D

But if you decide to miss all of this, the BBC is great about keeping a short term archive of shows. Go to the Jim Davis’ programme page on the BBC Leicester Radio site to find past episodes.

Other helps for listening to BBC Radio broadcasts, and of course RichardArmitageNet and RichardArmitageCentral will probably upload the broadcast as well.

Richard Armitage on About Richard III, Philippa Langley, etc. — Part 1

Ali at RichardArmitageNet.Com has the audio from Richard Armitage’s interivew on BBC Leicester this morning.

If you don’t have time to listen, he says he’s read Philippa Langley’s screenplay and been in a contact with her for a long time, but he also mentioned he was too tall and too old to probably play Richard III. He does go on to say he wants to explore the psychological aspects of the story of Richard III. There will be more at 11:00am on Wednesday morning Leciester time when Richard will be on the Jim Davis Show. For now, this seemed to be more in the way of a teaser and possibly putting the Philippa Langley question to rest.

Too old? Too tall? No way. :D


Richard Armitage Will Weigh in on Richard III

I just read Richard Armitage has spoken to BBC Leicester and specifically discussed Richard III with them. This was welcomed news after his lack of responses on the subject during the Twitter rush Wednesday. But my skeptical gene tends to think he’s still not going to say much to us about his part in any production Philippa Langley is promoting. Frankly, he would be foolish to say much unless the ink is dry on a deal.

There are plans to air the exchanges over two dates:

Leicester AR

What will Leicester be like After Richard? Kathryn, a resident, explains a bit about Leicester and how the discovery of Richard III has already affected the city and will in future:

Will Richard III change us?

<a href="">National Portrait Gallery</a>

King Richard III by Unknown artist.
National Portrait Gallery

It was a cold, dull and damp day in Leicester last Friday but I was determined it wouldn’t spoil the afternoon. A friend had come to stay for the weekend and I was going to show her around Leicester. I’ve never been hugely fond of the city, feeling a far greater affinity with the south of the country, but, on Friday, I saw it through someone else’s eyes for the first time and realised that it’s a far more interesting and friendly place than I ever gave it credit for.

Read on

Does It Matter If Richard Armitage Looks Like Richard III?

It doesn’t matter to me if anyone who plays Richard III looks exactly like him. Way too much is made of this as a prerequisite especially when considering the use of prosthetics and special effects. Does it help that Richard Armitage has some resemblance to Richard III? Yes, there’s no question.

As for those who don’t think our guy looks like Richard III, certainly RA doesn’t look like RIII all the time. He has some features that resemble the King, but remember Richard Armitage is a chameleon. It’s one of his greatest assets. After his voice, it is my second most loved aspect of him and watching Sparkhouse for the first time and seeing how differently he played John Standring from John Thornton, Harry Kennedy and Guy of Gisborne made me a life long fan. Yes, I can say that with confidence since I doubt his ability is going to go away. And it would certainly be beneficial in playing Richard III.

Just another photo that had me seeing some resemblance to the maligned monarch.

Screencap is mine.

Does Richard Armitage Look Like Richard III?


So were they separated at birth or not? :D

Mashup pic is my crude photoshop work. LOL!

Finding Richard III

The news is in that yes, the bones found under the public housing parking lot in Leicester are indeed those of Richard III. Any of you following along should have expected this. When the news of a televised special about the King was announced, it seemed obvious the finding would go only one way; otherwise, the parties involved could have been setting themselves up for a Geraldo Rivera moment.

Where does all of this find us? If you have an affinity for history, this has to whet your appetite for more. I know it does mine. But as a Richard Armitage fan, I find myself wondering about Philippa Langley. I’m intensely curious about her. According to reports I’ve read, she has written a play about Richard III and now would like to mount a drama about him that may involve Richard Armitage. I would love to know much more about her as a writer and in particular a screenwriter.

Richard III Search Remains
Philippa Langley at the Richard III dig in Leicester

After the Richard III Special is done today, I’m going to tune in to a live Q&A with her and Professor Lin Foxhall, Head of the School of Archaeology and Ancient History at the University of Leicester. I’m not sure how much I will learn about Ms. Langley’s writing, but my curiosity will ensure I’m listening to every word she says and hoping the format is conducive to asking some questions about the possible drama. I hope you will be listening as well, and if you have any questions about how to do that, please let me know.

Richard, I’m Available for Technical Assistance ;-)

Yes, I really said that. LOL!

I was just listening to Dave Andrews’ show on BBC Leicester, and he read Richard Armitage’s email informing Dave that he couldn’t make it on the show. He had wifi but couldn’t make a call.

Richard, Richard, Richard,

It’s called Skype or Google phone or any number of other VOIP (Voice Over Internet Protocol) phone services. ;-)

Man, if you need help with this, I’m your girl. We can get around those pesky federal regulations. ;-) ;-)

One of your crazy fans who loves to give technical support.

Fat chance I’ll ever get to do that, but hey, what the heck? I never thought I would be blogging successfully for almost three years, and here I am.


I need to clear something up! VOIP is not allowed on a plane. That was why I put the wink at the end of the line. I’m sorry if that caused some confusion. I was teasing! Please don’t try to do that with an airline that provides wifi! LOL! Ahem.

The good news is this may be a reality in the future. But it’s not today — at least not in the U.S. However, look what I found. I knew about the CEO being escorted off a plane for using VOIP, but I didn’t know that Virgin Airlines is now allowing these calls. Interesting. I guess Richard Armitage wasn’t flying on Virgin. :D

edit: an update on the FAA relaxing the rules but still can’t make calls. Bummer